Table 1.
Section and topic | Item # | Checklist item |
Title | ||
1a | If disproportionality analyses are a prominent component of the published study, the study should be identified as a “disproportionality analysis.” The type of data and name of the database(s) should be specified. | |
1b | Report the name of adverse event(s) and/or drug(s) under study, when applicable. | |
Introduction | ||
Background | 2a | Describe the drug(s) and its utilization, the nature of the adverse event(s) under study and its frequency, and the existing knowledge on the drug–event combination. |
2b | Specify the rationale for performing the analysis, e.g., as part of routine pharmacovigilance, to investigate an overall safety profile, or to assess a pre-specified hypothesis. | |
2c | Explain why individual case safety report databases and disproportionality analysis are suitable to fill the knowledge gap. | |
Objectives | 3 | State specific objectives, identifying the adverse event(s), the drug(s), and the reference group, including any pre-specified hypothesis, if applicable. |
Methods | ||
Study design | 4a | Identify the study (i.e., “disproportionality analysis”) and the type of data used (e.g., “individual case safety reports”). |
4b | Provide an outline of the entire study design, including primary and sensitivity analyses performed, and other designs such as case-by-case analysis or literature review. | |
Data description, access, and pre-processing | 5a | Specify the name of the database(s), the database(s) custodian, and the coverage. Specify the type/number of drugs included within the database and the thesaurus, taxonomies, or ontologies used for coding drugs and events. |
5b | Specify the extraction dates and describe and justify all choices used for data pre-processing, including any data transformation or exclusion, if appropriate. | |
Variables definition | 6a | Describe the study population, including any restriction. |
6b | Describe the nature and the meaning of key variables assessed in the work. | |
6c | Specify and justify any grouping of drugs or events. For drugs, specify and justify whether active ingredients/trade names/salts were considered and/or the selected role. | |
6d | Describe any additional data source used, the type of data, and how they interact with individual case safety reports. | |
Statistical methods | 7a | Present any descriptive analysis performed, specifying variables investigated, statistical tests, and significance thresholds. |
7b | Describe the measure(s) selected for the disproportionality analysis including any threshold used to identify signals of disproportionate reporting. Explain the reason for this choice if applicable. | |
7c | Clearly describe any sensitivity analysis and any tool to control confounding, including any restriction, subgroup, stratification, adjustment, or interaction. | |
7d | Specify the variables and methods used for the case-by-case analysis, including any algorithm or criteria used to assess causality, if performed. | |
7e | Specify any statistical methods used for other data sources. | |
Results | ||
Participants | 8a | Specify the number of individual case safety reports included at each stage, including reasons for exclusion. |
8b | Provide key demographic and clinical characteristics of cases, if possible comparing cases with any appropriate reference group. | |
Disproportionality analysis | 9 | Present all results including confidence intervals. Present also results of sensitivity analyses, if performed. |
Case-by-case analysis | 10 | Present the case-by-case analysis of key variables. Present the causality assessment, if applicable. |
Discussion | ||
Key results | 11 | Discuss key results with reference to study objectives and contextualize them within the current literature and other consulted sources. Clearly discriminate between expected reactions and emerging safety signals. |
External validity | 12a | Discuss the external validity of the results to the general population. |
12b | Discuss the potential relevance of results in clinical practice | |
12c | Propose further study designs if applicable | |
Limitations | 13 | Present general limitations, making clear that disproportionality analysis alone cannot prove causation or measure incidence, and specific limitations, including confounding and reporting bias and efforts to mitigate them. |
Declarations | ||
14a | Provide the source of funding/sponsorship and the role of the funders/sponsors for the present study and for any original study on which the present article is based. | |
14b | Clearly identify potential commercial and intellectual conflicts of interest (e.g., link to any drug/event investigated, whether financial, legal action, or software used). | |
14c | Declare any institutional approval needed or granted in the investigation. | |
14d | Include a statement on data availability, code availability (including the version of the statistical software used), and protocol registration. |
READUS-PV REporting of A Disproportionality analysis for drUg Safety signal detection using individual case safety reports in PharmacoVigilance