Figure 4.
Biomimetic alginate bead tissue construct characterisation of BMSCs differentiated chondrocytes. The figure depicts the phenotype and ECM-specific marker characterisation of cultures (A) without bioink and (B) with bioink. (i) The BMSCs-induced chondrocytes were cultured as alginate beads for three weeks and monitored via light microscope showed increased confluency with bioink in comparison to without bioink. (ii) H&E characterisation confirmed the oval-shaped morphology in both without and with bioink cultures (iii) Alcian blue staining revealed the intense GAG content accumulated around differentiated chondrocytes with bioink comparative to without bioink (iv) The BMSCs-induced cells showed intense positive VCAM1 expression conjugated with Alexa Fluor 488 with bioink (v) The SEM imaging showed fewer cell aggregates within alginate bead without bioink, while the bioink additive showed comparatively more cellular attachments and aggregates (vi) Cellular viability assessed using flow cytometry with live cell population (R3) showed increased percentage viability with bioink. R0 represented hypergranular population (1.02%), not of study interest (vii) the CLSM characterisation showed positive expression with bioink for hyaline cartilage ECM-specific markers collagen type I, collagen type II, aggrecan and cell-ECM marker laminin, counterstained with the nuclear dye DAPI.