Figure S5.
Unc93b1T93I knock-in mice develop severe systemic inflammation. (A) Representative sequencing results for mice with confirmed hemizygous Unc93b1T93I/− knock-in versus Unc93b1−/− littermate. Founder (F0) mice were sequenced for the presence of indels or the desired c.278C>T, p.T93I genomic edit. Blue text indicates the gRNA sequence used during mouse generation; purple text indicates the PAM site. (B and C) Spleens from Unc93b1T93I/− mice (n = 2) or their littermates (n = 7, LM) upon their death or sacrifice, respectively, at 8–10 wk. Quantification in C. “LM” indicates Unc93b1+/+, Unc93b1+/−, or Unc93b1−/− littermate genotypes (i.e., lacking the correctly edited Unc93b1T93I knockin allele). Data are mean ± SD, pooled from two independent experiments. P value determined by unpaired two-tailed Student’s t test. (D) Absolute splenocyte counts in Unc93b1T93I mice. (E–G) Frequency and number of splenocyte subsets from Unc93b1T93I mice: (E) B lineage cells, (F) T lineage cells, (G) myeloid cells. T1, transitional 1 B cells; FoB, follicular naive B cells; MZB, marginal zone B cells; TEFH, T-extrafollicular B helper cells; Treg, regulatory T cells; RP Mac, red pulp macrophages; cDC, conventional dendritic cells; pDC, plasmacytoid dendritic cells. In D–G, mean with SD are plotted, and symbols represent values from individual mice; P values were obtained using a one-way ANOVA. *P ≤ 0.05, ****P ≤ 0.0001.