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. 2024 May 23;30(5):e13637. doi: 10.1111/srt.13637


Summary table for demographics * drawn from a population of young Singapore ethnic Chinese adults recruited from the Singapore/Malaysia Cross‐sectional Genetics Epidemiology Study (SMCGES) cohort.

Demographic factor Summary
Participants 1081 (100%)
Mean age (years) ± SD 26.15 ± 8.11
Mean height (cm) ± SD 166.03 ± 8.60
Mean weight (kg) ± SD 60.96 ± 12.60
Age range (years) 18 to 73
BMI (kg/m2) ± SD 22.02 ± 3.99
Male 420 (38.85%)
Female 661 (61.15%)
Chinese 1081 (100%)
Total monthly family income per capita
<SGD2,000 117 (10.82%)
SGD2,000 to <SGD4,000 275 (25.44%)
SGD 4,000 to <SGD6,000 226 (20.91%)
≥SGD 6,000 446 (41.26%)
Missing/Invalid 17 (1.57%)
HDB (public housing) 664 (61.42%)
Condominium/private apartment 320 (29.60%)
Landed property 76 (7.03%)
Missing/invalid 21 (1.94%)

The values after ± are standard deviation values. Missing/Invalid refers to responses that are either left blank or otherwise invalid.

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; cm, centimetres; HDB (Public housing), Public housing constructed by the Singapore Housing Development Board; kg, kilograms; m2, squared metres; SD, Standard deviation; SGD, Singapore dollars.