Table 7.
Comparison of the proposed model with some other models with similar purposes.
Model | Reference | Number of Equations | Number of Parameters | Linearity | Parameter Adjustment |
Proposed here | - | 3 (transfer functions) | 19 | Yes | CGA |
Discretized reaction–diffusion | [24] | 4 (differential equations) | 9 | No | Manual |
Heterogeneous nonlinear oscillators | [22] | 4 (differential equations) | 48 | No | Manual |
Ring of three coupled oscillators | [21] | 6 (differential equations) | 34 | No | Manual |
Model based on a quasiperiodic motion | [25] | 5 (differential equations) | 19 | No | Manual |
Periodically kicked network of RLC oscillators | [27] | 4 (differential equations) | 8 | Yes | Manual |