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. 2005 Jun;73(6):3646–3658. doi: 10.1128/IAI.73.6.3646-3658.2005


B. anthracis RA3 (pXO1+ pXO2+)-secreted proteins identified by MALDI-MS

Spot no.a Protein name Accession no.b Signal peptidec pId
Gene locationf
Exptl Theoretical Exptl Theoretical
Proteins identified directly by MS in RA3
    1 EA1 NP_654830 + 5.79 5.70 102.6 91.4 Chr
    2 EA1 NP_654830 + 5.70 5.70 101.8 91.4 Chr
    3 Sap NP_654829 + 6.42 6.89 83.4 86.7 Chr
    4 Oligopeptide ABC transporter NP_843667 + 6.39 6.56 58.5 61.8 Chr
    5 Oligopeptide ABC transporter41 NP_843667 + 6.25 6.34 57.6 61.7 Chr
    6 Oligopeptide ABC transporter NP_843667 + 6.39 6.56 57.6 61.8 Chr
    7 Protective antigen precursor A41 AAA22637 + 5.44 5.88 54.0 85.9 pXO1
    8 Protective antigen precursor A AAA22637 + 5.56 5.88 53.8 85.9 pXO1
    9 Protective antigen precursor Ag AAA22637 + 5.83 5.88 53.7 85.9 pXO1
    10 Enolase NP_653583 6.90 4.66 49.9 46.6 Chr
    11 Enolase NP_653583 4.67 4.66 50.4 46.6 Chr
    12 Enolase41 NP_653583 4.79 4.66 50.4 46.6 Chr
    13 S-layer homology domain NP_657198 + 5.29 5.84 42.0 40.6 Chr
    14 S-layer homology domain NP_657198 + 5.40 5.84 41.9 40.6 Chr
    15 Edema factor (EF)41g AAA22374 + 5.36 6.95 36.6 92.5 pXO1
    16 Edema factor (EF)gh CAC93925 + 5.23 6.95 34.8 92.5 pXO1
    17 Triosephosphate isomerase NP_653585 5.15 5.00 28.4 26.7 Chr
    18 Lethal factor (LF)41gh AAA22569 + 4.75 5.62 28.9 93.9 pXO1
    19 Zinc uptake system protein, ZnuAg NP_052826 + 5.75 5.69 27.4 27.9 pXO1
    20 Hypothetical proteinh NP_653819 + 4.75 5.06 27.7 23.2 Chr
    21 Zinc uptake system protein, ZnuAg NP_052826 + 5.63 5.69 27.5 27.9 pXO1
    22 Putative nucleoside diphosphate kinase NP_655416 5.46 5.24 16.5 16.7 Chr
Proteins identified by positional overlapi
    23 Sap NP_654829 + 6.10 6.89 100.1 86.7 Chr
    36 Sap NP_654829 + 6.24 6.89 95.8 86.7 Chr
    24 Sap NP_654829 + 6.43 6.89 94.9 86.7 Chr
    39 Phosphoglycerate mutase NP_834804 4.90 4.86 64.1 56.9 Chr
    40 Phosphoglycerate mutase NP_981532 4.85 4.84 62.4 53.4 Chr
    41 EA1 NP_654830 + 5.90 5.70 58.4 91.4 Chr
    25 MerA mercuric reductase CAA70224 5.66 5.30 54.1 58.8 Chr
    42 Isocitrate lyase NP_830914 6.02 5.27 52.0 47.1 Chr
    11 Enolase NP_653583 4.67 4.66 50.8 46.6 Chr
    44 Enolase NP_653583 4.72 4.66 50.3 46.6 Chr
    26 Phosphoglycerol transferase NP_834895 5.25 5.37 49.3 44.9 Chr
    27 Cell surface protein A NP_658575 + 5.19 5.56 48.6 99.9 Chr
    28 Alanine dehydrogenase NP_658654 5.48 5.22 46.6 40.3 Chr
    29 Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase NP_834805 5.70 5.04 44.0 35.5 Chr
    45 Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase NP_847733 5.85 5.53 41.8 34.2 Chr
    31 Malate dehydrogenase NP_847040 5.38 5.12 42.2 33.6 Chr
    32 Cysteine Synthase NP_842636 5.64 5.37 41.1 33.0 Chr
    47 EA1 NP_654830 + 6.06 5.7 35.5 91.4 Chr
    34 Triosephosphate isomerase NP_653585 5.07 5.13 29.3 26.7 Chr
    49 Alkyl hydroperoxide reductase NP_654276 4.73 4.81 24.2 20.9 Chr

Spot numbers refer to Fig. 1.


Accession numbers available through National Center for Biotechnology Information.


Presence of signal peptide predicted by SignalP 3.0 (+, yes; −, no).


Isoelectric point. Exptl, experimental.


Molecular Mass (kDa). Exptl, experimental.


Chr, chromosome.


Unique to RA3 compared to RA3:00.


Unique to RA3 compared to RA3R.


Of proteins identified from RA3R and RA3:00 by MS.