Figure 6.
Sport participation and academic performance. DASS score (A) and salivary cortisol levels (D) in active (n = 68) (green line) and sedentary (n = 46) (blue line) participants during the semester (T0) and on the day of the exam before the test (T1). DASS score and salivary cortisol levels in active (green line) and sedentary (blue line) participants who had obtained a score higher than 24 ((B) and (E), respectively) and less than or equal to 24 ((C) and (F), respectively) during the semester (T0) and on the day the exam before the test (T1). Salivary NOX2 levels (G), H2O2 levels (H), HBA percentage (I), NO bioavailability (J), and endothelin-1 (K) in active (green line) and sedentary participants (blue line) at T0 and T1. * p < 0.05. Statistical differences were assessed using a MANOVA with one within-subject factor (time at T0 and T1) and two between-subject factors.