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. 2024 May 14;16(10):1869. doi: 10.3390/cancers16101869

Table 1.

2023 FIGO staging of endometrial cancer [4].

Stages Description
Stage I Confined to uterine corpus and ovary a
IA Disease limited to the endometrium OR non-aggressive histological type, with < 50% myometrial involvement, no focal LVSI b, or good disease prognosis.
IA1 Non-aggressive histological type limited to an endometrial polyp or confined to endometrium.
IA2 Non-aggressive histological type with < 50% myometrial involvement with no to focal LVSI b.
IA3 Low-grade endometrioid carcinomas limited to uterus or ovary a.
IB Non-aggressive histological type with > 50% myometrial invasion, and no to focal LVSI b.
IC Aggressive histological subtype limited to a polyp or confined to endometrium.
Stage II Invasion of cervical stroma with no extrauterine extension, or substantial LVSI b, or aggressive histological type with any myometrial invasion.
IIA Non-aggressive histological type with invasion of cervical stroma.
IIB Non-aggressive histological type with substantial LVSI b.
IIC Aggressive histological subtype with any myometrial involvement.
Stage III Local and/or regional metastasis of any histological subtype.
IIIA Invasion of uterine serosa, adnexa, or both.
IIIA1 Spread to ovary or fallopian tube (excluding lesions that meet stage IA3 criteria a).
IIIA2 Spread to uterine subserosa or through uterine serosa.
IIIB Metastasis or direct spread to the vaginal canal and/or parametria or pelvic peritoneum.
IIIB1 Metastasis or direct spread to the vaginal canal and/or parametria.
IIIB2 Metastasis to pelvic peritoneum.
IIIC Metastasis to pelvic and/or para-aortic lymph nodes.
IIIC1 Metastasis to pelvic lymph nodes.
IIIC1i Micrometastasis to pelvic lymph nodes.
IIIC1ii Macrometastasis to pelvic lymph nodes.
IIIC2 Metastasis to para-aortic lymph nodes up to the renal vessels, and/or pelvic lymph node metastasis.
IIIC2i Micrometastasis to para-aortic lymph nodes up to the renal vessels, and/or pelvic lymph node metastasis.
IIIC2ii Macrometastasis to para-aortic lymph nodes up to the renal vessels, and/or pelvic lymph node metastasis.
Stage IV Spread to the bladder mucosa and/or intestinal mucosa and/or distant metastasis.
IVA Spread to the bladder mucosa and/or intestinal mucosa.
IVB Abdominal peritoneal metastasis beyond the pelvic peritoneum,
IVC Distant metastasis, included metastasis to any extra-abdominal or intra-abdominal lymph nodes superior to the renal vessels, lungs, liver, brain, or bone.

a Concurrent uterine and ovarian low-grade endometrioid endometrial carcinoma are included in this stage if the following criteria are met: (1) No more than 50% of myometrial involvement, (2) absence of extensive LVSI, (3) absence of additional metastasis, and (4) unilateral ovarian involvement without capsule rupture or invasion. b Lymphovascular invasion.