Effect of cyclophosphamide (CY) on mouse cardiac tissue. Light microscopic examination of the haematoxylin- and eosin-stained left ventricle cardiac tissue of mice treated with saline ((a,b), 100× magnification) and mice treated with CY ((c,d), 400× magnification). Images (b,d) are magnified versions of images (a,c), respectively. Panels (e–j) show images of the ultra-structure of the cardiac tissue of the mice treated with CY. The squares in panel (e) show the expansion of transverse tubules and the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Arrows defined by outlines in panels (e,f) show lamellar bodies. The circled areas in (f) show mitochondria that have either lost or expanded their internal structure. The black arrows in panel (f) show lipid droplets. Panels (f,g) show the turbulence of myocardial fibre travel. The dark area surrounded by a square shows muscle contractile fibre structures with different contractile states from within the same muscle cell. Panel (j) shows low-density contractile proteins in a cardiomyocyte. LV: left ventricle, NS: normal saline.