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. 2024 May 20;13(10):1422. doi: 10.3390/plants13101422

Table 1.

Identification, traditional names, and usage of plants chosen and collected during the two campaigns. Plant parts used and secondary metabolite extraction conditions are presented. MCF 7 cell line survival after 72 h is reported in terms of percentage of surviving cells. Each plant extract identified as ‘selected compound’ is listed in Table 2 and subjected to further investigation to assess its impact on cellular pathways.

Plants and Compounds Evaluated Family Common Name Traditional Uses Extraction Condition Product (µg/mL) MCF Cell Line Survival Ratio (%)
Control substances:
RPMI media - - - - - 100
DMSO - - - - - 100
TAXOL 1000 nM - - - - 0.8 18
TAXOL 10 nM - - - - 0.008 26
TAXOL 1nM - - - - 0.0008 94
Pure compounds evaluated:
Serratenediol-3-O-acetate (C32H5203) - Pure compound isolated from Huperzia crassa species - 48 96
Tricin (5, 7, 4′-trihydroxy-3′, 5′-dimethoxyflavone) C17H14O7 - Pure compound isolated (Flavone) from various species from Huperzia gender PubChem CID:
33 88
5-hydroxy-4′,7-dimethoxyflavone (apigenin 7,4′-dimethyl ether) C17H14O5 - Pure compound isolated from Piper peltatum L. PubChem CID:
30 27
21-episerratenediol (serrat-14-en-3β,21β-diol)
- Pure compound isolated from Huperzia crassa PubChem CID:
100 47
20 97
(serrat-14-en-3β,21α- diol) C30H50O2
Pure compound isolated from Huperzia crassa PubChem CID: 164947 100 109
20 100
Pinostrobin (2s)-5-hydroxy-7-methoxyflavanone) C16H14O4 Pure compound isolated from Piper ecuadorense PubChem CID: 73201 100 60
20 37
Pallidine (2-hydroxy-3,6-dimethoxy-17-methyl-5,6,8,14-tetradehydromorphinan-7-one)
Pure compound isolated from Croton elegans PubChem CID: 12313923 100 74
20 103
O-methylpallidine ((1S,9S)-4,5,13-trimethoxy-17-methyl-17-azatetracyclo[,10.02,7]heptadeca-2,4,6,10,13-pentaen-12-one) C20H23NO4 Pure compound isolated from Croton elegans PubChem CID: 10405046 100 108
20 107
Hernandulcin ((6S)-6-[(2S)-2-hydroxy-6-methylhept-5-en-2-yl]-3-methylcyclohex-2-en-1-one) C15H24O2 Pure compound isolated from Phyla strigulosa PubChem CID: 125608 100 10
20 67
Species evaluated/Herbarium voucher
Acanthoxanthium spinosum (L.) Fourr./PPN-as-039 Asteraceae Casamarucha, cardo de tres puntas Treat conditions of the prostate and kidneys and urinary tract infection (oral testimony); anti-inflammatory and blood purifier [28] EtOAc extract (leaves) 100 31
20 103
MeCl2 extract (leaves) 100 14
20 93
Baccharis obtusifolia Kunth/PPN-as-014 Asteraceae Chilca, chilca redonda, shadán Antimycotic, cold, rheumatism [6] MeOH extract (leaves) 100 84
20 94
Croton elegans Kunth/HUTPL536 Euphorbiaceae Mosquera Anti-inflammatory; powerful purgative; treatment of rheumatism, neuralgia, and bronchitis [9] Alkaloid fraction from MeOH-H2O extract (8:2) (leaves) 100 46
20 80
Cinchona officinalis L./PPN-ry-002 Rubiaceae Cascarilla, quina Stomach pain; fever; malaria; antimycotic [6] EtOH extract (bark) 100 90
20 93
Clusia alata Triana & Planch./HUTPL5081 Clusiaceae Duco Gastritis [28] MeOH extract (leaves) 100 18
20 91
Croton lechleri Müll. Arg./PPN-eu-003 Euphorbiaceae Sangre de drago Selected compound Latex 100 5
20 4
Renealmia alpinia (Rottb.) Maas./HUTPL 11186 Zingiberaceae Kumpía The leaves are used to treat rheumatism; a blue pigment is obtained from the fruit [29] Lyophilized aqueous fruit extract 100 6
20 71
Garcinia macrophylla Mart./HUTPL3841 Clusiaceae Shora Selected compound MeOH extract (leaves) 100 14
20 53
Huperzia brevifolia (Grev. & Hook.) Holub/PPNIc-10 Lycopodiaceae Waminga verde Liver and kidney diseases, fever, inflammation, colds [30] Alkaloid fraction from MeOH-H2O extract (8:2) (leaves) 100 4
20 71
Huperzia columnaris B. Øllg./PPNIc-09 Lycopodiaceae Waminga oso Selected compound Alkaloid fraction from MeOH-H2O extract (8:2) (leaves) 100 3
20 42
Huperzia compacta (Hook.) Trevis./PPNIc-02 Lycopodiaceae Waminga roja Acts as a purgative and to treat supernatural diseases [31] Alkaloid fraction from MeOH-H2O extract (8:2) (leaves) 100 90
20 94
Huperzia crassa (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Rothm./PPNIc-05 Lycopodiaceae Waminga amarilla To treat the itching of the body [29] Alkaloid fraction from MeOH-H2O extract (8:2) (leaves) 100 82
20 98
Huperzia espinosana B. Øllg/PPNIc-08 Lycopodiaceae Waminga oso warmi Liver and kidney diseases, fever, inflammation, colds [30] Alkaloid fraction from MeOH-H2O extract (8:2) (leaves) 100 4
20 78
Huperzia kuesteri (Nessel) B. Øllg./Ly-HK-001 Lycopodiaceae Waminga verde grande Selected compound Alkaloid fraction from MeOH-H2O extract (8:2) (leaves) 100 4
20 73
Huperzia tetragona (Hook. & Grev.) Trevis./PPNIc-04 Lycopodiaceae Trencilla roja Treatment of elephantiasis and leprosy and to treat supernatural diseases [31] Alkaloid fraction from MeOH-H2O extract (8:2) (leaves) 100 81
20 93
Hypericum lancioides Cuatrec./PP-hy-001 Hypericaceae Bura bura Antidepressant effects; antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antiviral properties MeCl2 extract (aerial part) 100 23
20 88
Lycopodium complanatum L./Ly-001-08 Lycopodiaceae Gateador, trencilla In bathrooms during the postpartum period for bone pain in children Alkaloid fraction from MeOH-H2O extract (8:2) (leaves) 100 51
20 76
Loricaria thuyoides (Lam.) Sch. Bip./PPN-as-044 Asteraceae Ushkuchaki Used in baths after childbirth to treat hip pain and cold and treat the mal aire (bad air) [20] EtOAc extract (leaves and stem) 100 93
20 100
Ludwigia peruviana (L.) H. Hara./PPN-on-003 Onagraceae Mejorana Hepatic pain, diuretic, kidney problems [6] MeOH-H2O extract (9:1) (leaves and stem) 100 54
20 97
Macrocarpaea lenae J. R. Grant/PPN-gn-003 Gentianaceae Tabaco de cerro Fever or cold caused by cold air or strong winds locally known as mal aire (bad air) [25] Alkaloid fraction from MeOH-H2O extract (8:2) (flowers and leaves) 100 52
20 93
Sarcorhachis sydowii Trel./Pi-003-010 Piperaceae Intiwaska The infusion of the leaves is drunk to treat stomach pain [29] MeOH-H2O extract (9:1) (leaves and stem) 100 56
20 96
Lyophilized aqueous leaves and stem extract 100 31
20 93
Oreopanax andreanus Marchal/PPN-ar-003 Araliaceae Pumamaki Disinfectant, healing of wounds, dermatitis [6] MeOH extract (leaves) 100 102
20 97
Curcuma longa L./HUTPL 14333 Zingiberaceae Cúrcuma, urmeric, perenchi The plant is traditionally known for its fungicidal and bactericidal properties [9] Lyophilized aqueous tuber extract 100 87
20 85
Piper pseudochurumayu (Kunth) C. DC./PPN-pi-009 Piperaceae Matico, ámbarámbar Selected compound MeOH extract (leaves and stem) 100 5
20 54
Siparuna eggersii Hieron./PPN-mn-001 Monimiaceae Monte del oso Strokes, diabetes, fractured bones, rheumatism, kidney problems [6] MeOH extract (leaves and stem) 100 39
20 95
Piper crassinervium Kunth/PPN-pi-002 Piperaceae Guabiduca Diabetes, gastritis, prostate problems [6] Lyophilized aqueous leaf extract 100 96
20 106
Juglans neotropica Diels/PPN-ju-001 Juglandaceae Nogal Rheumatism, hepatic pain in postpartum bath [25] Lyophilized aqueous leaf extract 100 5
20 106
Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruiz & Pav./PPN-tr-001 Tropaeolaceae Mashua Prostate [25] Lyophilized aqueous tuber juice 100 103
20 105
Valeriana pyramidalis Kunth./FT991 Valerianaceae Valeriana To treat nerves, heart, liver, and kidney problems [29] Lyophilized roots exudate 100 80
20 105
Piper ecuadorense Sodiro/PPN-pi-007 Piperaceae Matico grande, tiklilin grande, matico del monte Selected compound EtOH-H2O extract (7:3) (leaves) 100 18
20 54
Selected compound MeOH extract (leaves) 100 24
20 100
Alibertia sp. Rubiaceae Matiri The fruits of several Alibertia species are edible [29] MeOH extract (leaves) 100 43
20 85
Artemisia sodiroi Hieron./PPN-as-021 Asteraceae Ajenjo Internal inflammation, stomach pain, hepatic pain, fever, internal infections, kidney problems, cough [6] MeOH extract (leaves) 100 71
20 111
Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg/PPN-mo-003 Moraceae Fruto del pan Diabetes, high cholesterol [6] MeOH extract (leaves) 100 90
20 104
Bejaria resinosa Mutis ex L.f./PPN-er-002 Ericaceae Payama, pena pena, pena de cerro To treat nervous system problems, swollen wounds and inflammations of the genital organs, as well liver diseases and cancer [8] MeOH extract (leaves) 100 6
20 89
Brugmansia suaveolens (Willd.) Bercht. & J. Presl/PPNso-021 Solanaceae Floripondio rosado, guando rosado To treat rheumatic pain [27] EtOH-H2O (8:2) (flowers) 100 94
20 110
Brugmansia versicolor Lagerh./PPN-so-027 Solanaceae Floripondio, guando To treat headache and inflammation and swelling from blows and act as psychoactive plant [29] Alkaloid fraction from MeOH-H2O extract (8:2) (flowers) 100 84
20 125
Centropogon comosus Gleason/HUTPL 11342 Campanulaceae Motepela Wash insect bites (oral testimony) EtOH-H2O (7:3) (leaves) 100 94
20 107
Cestrum sendtnerianum C. Mart./PPN-so-003 Solanaceae Sauco negro Selected compound EtOH-H2O (7:3) (flowers) 100 6
20 47
Purgative, head pain, stomach pain, fever, gangrene, influenza, internal infections, rheumatism, cough [6] MeOH extract (leaves and flowers) 100 149
20 115
Clusia alata Triana & Planch/HUTPL5081 Clusiaceae Duco Gastritis [28] MeOH extract (fruits) 100 9
20 85
Gallesia integrifolia (Spreng.) Harms/PPN-ph-001 Phytolaccaceae Palo de ajo Arthritis, strokes, rheumatism [6] MeOH extract (bark) 100 7
20 88
MeOH extract (leaves) 100 106
20 107
Gaiadendron punctatum (Ruiz & Pav.) G. Don/PPN-lo-001 Loranthaceae Violeta de cerro, violeta de campo Strong cough [25] EtOH extract (flowers) 100 28
20 73
Selected compound EtOH extract (leaves) 100 5
20 22
Gaultheria erecta Vent/PPN-er-008 Ericaceae Mote pela The fruits are edible [25] EtOH-H2O (7:3) (flowers) 100 14
20 78
Huperzia weberbaueri (Hieron. & Herter ex Nessel) Holub/PPNIc-07 Lycopodiaceae Waminga suca Purgative and to treat supernatural diseases [31] Hexane extract (aerial part) 100 75
20 93
MeOH extract (aerial part) 100 58
20 100
Hesperomeles ferruginea (Pers.) Benth./HUTPL4010 Rosaceae Quique The fruits can be used as foods [29] EtOH-H2O (7:3) (fruits) 100 73
20 100
EtOH-H2O (7:3) (leaves) 100 17
20 100
Ilex guayusa Loes./PPN-aq-001 Aquifoliaceae Guayusa Gastritis, relaxant, increasing woman’s fertility [6] EtOH-H2O (7:3) (leaves) 100 5
20 92
Iresine herbstii Hook./PPN-am-001 Amaranthaceae Escancel Fever, relaxant, kidney [6] Lyophilized aqueous (leaves and stems) 100 8
20 78
EtOH-H2O (7:3) (leaves and stems) 100 5
20 93
Lupinus semperflorens Hartw. ex Benth./HUTPL4786 Fabaceae Chocho silvestre, taure de cerro, aspa chocho Fever and stomach pain MeOH extract (leaves and stems) 100 56
20 127
Salvia pichinchensis Benth/PPN-la-014 Lamiaceae Matico negro, matico grande de cerro To treat the infection of external wounds and for curing kidney and liver disorders [9] EtOH-H2O (7:3) (leaves and stems) 100 9
20 122
Myrcianthes fragrans (Sw.) McVaugh/PPN-my-008 Myrtaceae Arrayán aromático, saco, wawall (kichwa) Selected compound MeOH extract (leaves) 100 6
20 63
Oreopanax ecuadorensis Seem./PPN-ar-001 Araliaceae Pumamaqui Headache [6] MeOH extract (leaves) 100 87
20 100
Oreopanax eriocephalus Harms/HUTPL 4901 Araliaceae Maqui-maqui Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties [9] MeOH extract (leaves and flowers) 100 87
20 96
Otholobium mexicanum (L. f.) J.W. Grimes/PPN-fa-005 Fabaceae Culén, teculén Stomach pain, diarrhea, indigestions, contraceptive [6] EtOAc extract (leaves and flowers) 100 4
20 93
Phyla strigulosa (M. Martens & Galeotti) Moldenke/MT-KN-111 Verbenaceae Buscapina, novalgina Selected compound EtOAc extract 100 6
20 61
Selected compound Hexane extract (leaves and flowers) 100 7
20 15
Stomachache [29], cramps, diarrhea in children, and intestinal infections; to act as tonic Lyophilized aqueous leaves and flowers extract 100 13
20 102
Selected compound MeOH extract (leaves and flowers) 100 6
20 38
Cestrum racemosum Ruiz & Pav./PPN-so-010 Solanaceae Sauco, sauco de montaña, sauco blanco Tooth decay, headache, stomach pain, fever, gastritis [6] MeOH extract (leaves and stem) 100 24
20 91
Stereocaulon ramulosum (Sw.) Raeusch./MUTPL-AB-0650 Stereocaulaceae Musgo External infections, antibiotic [32] EtOAc extract (aerial part) 100 7
20 71
Selected compound MeCl2 (aerial part) 100 7
20 61
Echinopsis pachanoi (Britton & Rose) Friedrich & G.D. Rowley/PPN-cb-001 Cactaceae San Pedro cactus with 5 ribs/San pedrillo To induce visions (oral and inhaled administration), to act as a purgative, to treat supernatural diseases, to treat anxiety, and serve as an anti-inflammatory or wound disinfectant [27] Lyophilized from the aqueous extract 100 41
20 94
San Pedro cactus with 7 ribs/San pedrillo Lyophilized from the aqueous extract 100 7
20 68
San Pedro cactus with 9 ribs/San pedrillo Lyophilized from the aqueous extract 100 19
20 66