Table 1.
Summary of major characteristics of seven chronic/latent viruses of interest.
Virus | Estimated Prevalence | Linked to Shorter TL in Immune Cells | Associated Age- Related Diseases |
Main Modes of Transmission | Chronic vs. Latent Virus | References |
CMV | Children: 20–70% HIV+ adults: >84% HIV- adults: 50–85% |
Yes | Atherosclerosis, autoimmune disease; also associated with increased immune activation and inflammation in PLWH | Bodily fluids, perinatal | Latent. Infects a broad range of human cell types and is asymptomatic in most healthy individuals | [25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33] |
EBV | Children: 54–83% HIV+ adults: ~90% HIV- adults: ~48% |
Yes | Lymphoma (Burkitt’s, Hodgkin’s, and non-Hodgkin), gastric carcinoma, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease | Bodily fluids, especially saliva | Latent. Acquisition in childhood results in generally mild or asymptomatic disease and can cause mononucleosis if acquired in adolescence. Following primary infection of epithelial cells and B cells, it establishes lifelong latency in memory B cells | [34,35,36,37,38] |
HHV-8 | Children: 2–6% HIV+ adults: 26–57% HIV- adults: 2–7% |
Yes | Kaposi Sarcoma | Blood, saliva, sexual contact | Latent. During primary infection, HHV-8 infects different cell types such as B cells, monocytes, and endothelial cells. Following primary infection, lifelong latency is established mainly in B cells and endothelial cells | [39,40,41,42,43] |
HSV-1 | Children: 0–32% HIV+ adults: ~78% HIV- adults: 55–89% |
Yes | Osteoporosis, cardiovascular events, dementia | Mostly oral–oral contact (oral herpes), perinatal | Latent. Primarily infects epithelial cells and neurons in the peripheral nervous system. In immunocompetent individuals, HSV-1 establishes lifelong latency in their sensory neurons while appearing phenotypically asymptomatic | [44,45,46,47] |
HSV-2 | Children: 0–16% HIV+ adults: ~55% HIV- adults: 20–28% |
No | Osteoporosis, cardiovascular events, dementia | Sexual contact, perinatal; HSV-2 is associated with increased risk of HIV transmission | Latent. Like HSV-1, infects cells in the peripheral nervous system and establishes lifelong latency in the nucleus of sensory ganglia | [47,48,49] |
HCV | Children: 0.2–0.4% HIV+ adults: ~18% HIV- adults: 0.8–1.0% |
Yes | Liver disease | Primarily blood, vertical transmission | Chronic. Approximately 25% of those infected clear the virus spontaneously, while ~80% of people acutely infected will become chronically infected. And approximately 20% of those chronically infected will develop end-stage liver disease, hepatocellular carcinoma, or liver cirrhosis | [50,51,52] |
HBV | Children: <0.001% HIV+ adults: 6–14% HIV- adults: <0.005–0.4% |
Yes | Liver disease | Bodily fluids, blood, vertical transmission | Chronic. Most adults will go on to clear the virus spontaneously. Chronic infections can lead to severe liver damage resulting in cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma | [53,54,55,56] |