Fig. 2. Dynamics of the toggle switching.
a Time-resolved differential images obtained as the difference between the images after the -th and -th pump pulses at room temperature. The sample was illuminated by the pump pulse linearly polarized || [100] and the fluence of 50 mJ/cm2. b (upper panel) Temporal evolution of the magnetic contrast in time-resolved imaging, and determination of the characteristic switching time by fitting 1−exp(−∆t/τ) function (red solid line) to the data. b (lower panel) Time-resolved Faraday effect resulting from low amplitude precession, which allows for the determination of the precession period and the frequency by fitting a damped sin function (blue solid line) to the data. c Switching time as a function of temperature deduced from time-resolved imaging (full dots) and magnetization precession (open dots) measurements. d The color map of the transient Faraday effect originating from the magnetization precession triggered by the pump with the fluence of 10 mJ/cm2 in the range 200-450 K (see “Methods”). e, Precession frequency f deduced from the experimental data (see Fig. 7a in “Methods” and lower panel in b) as a function of temperature (see “Methods”).