Authors and year | Country | Sample | Materials and methods | Findings |
Anacker et al., 2011 | UK | Human hippocampal progenitor cell line HPC03A/07 | Cells were treated with sertraline for 72 hours during proliferation, and for subsequent 7 days of differentiation | Sertraline increases human hippocampal neurogenesis through a GR-dependent mechanism |
Anacker et al., 2018 | UK | Animal sample (mice) | In vivo calcium imaging to record neuronal activity from ventral DG cells |
Cole et al., 2022 | USA | Animal sample (mice) |
Hippocampal output to the BNST contributes to a net inhibition of the HPA axis |
Eriksson et al., 1998 | Sweden | Post-mortem human brain tissue (5 adults) | Immunofluorescent labeling for BrdU, NeuN, calbindin, NSE | New neurons are generated from dividing progenitor cells in the DG |
Licht et al., 1983 | USA | Animal sample (bullfrogs) | Investigation cycles and plasma of seasonal levels gonadal of FSH, LH, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, 5α-DHT, corticosterone | Gonadotropins and steroids are highly labile, and particularly sensitive to the effects of captivity, especially in males |
Loprinzi et al., 2011 | USA | Human sample (25 women) | Assessing the effect of a SMART program among women diagnosed with breast cancer through several outcome measures scales, | Significant improvement in resilience, perceived stress, anxiety, and overall quality of life at 12 weeks |
Moreno-Jiménez et al., 2019 | Spain | Human brain samples | Combining human brain samples using tissue processing methods | Thousands of immature neurons are found in the DG of neurologically healthy individuals up to the 9th decade of life |
Santarelli et al., 2003 | USA | Animal sample (mice) | Genetic and radiological methods | X-irradiation of the hippocampus prevents the neurogenic and behavioral effects of antidepressants |
Smith et al., 1995 | USA | Animal sample (rats) |
Snyder et al., 2011 | USA | Animal sample (mice) | Inhibition of adult neurogenesis through transgenic or radiation methods | A small pool of DG neurons are critical for hippocampal negative control of the HPA axis, and play a role for adult neurogenesis in depression |
Somasunda- ram & Devamani, 2016 | India | Human sample (60 adults) | Investigating resilience, perceived social support and hopelessness in cancer patients through assessing scales | Resilience is associated with less hopelessness and higher levels of perceived social support |
van der Werff et al., 2017 | The Netherlands | Human sample (81 adults) | MRI scanning | Resilient subjects show increased structural connectivity in the corticopontine tract |
Wang et al., 2013 | The Netherlands | Post-mortem human brain tissue (26 subjects) | GR-immunoreactivity | GRs are prominently expressed in human hippocampus |
5α-DHT= 5α-dihydrotestosterone; BDNF=brain derived neurotrophic factor; BNST= bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; BrdU= bromodeoxyuridine; DG= dentate gyrus; FSH= follicle-stimulating hormone; GR= glucocorticoid receptor; HPA= hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal; LH= luteinizing hormone; MRI= magnetic resonance imaging; NeuN= hexaribonucleotide binding protein 3; NSE= neuron specific enolase; NT-3= neurotrophin-3; SMART= stress management and resiliency training.