Fig. 3.
The spatial distributions of macrophages in pre-treatment tissues were related to the postoperative pathological grade. (A) The numbers of CD8+, CD86+, and CD163 + cells within the indicated distance to the CK + tumor cells were counted and presented by histogram. (B) Representative images showed the spatial distribution of CD86 + M1 macrophages within 40 μm to tumor cells in pre-treatment pCR and pN1 tissues. (C) Comparison of the quantity of infiltrating CD86 + M1 macrophages within a 40 μm proximity to tumor cells in pre-treatment pCR, pN0, and pN1 ESCC tissues. (D) Representative images showed the spatial distribution of CD163 + M2 macrophages within 40 μm to tumor cells in pre-treatment pCR and pN1 tissues. (E) Comparison of the quantity of infiltrating CD163 + M2 macrophages within a 40 μm proximity to tumor cells in pre-treatment pCR, pN0, and pN1 ESCC tissues. (pCR, n = 20; pN0, n = 10; pN1, n = 5. Statistical significance was determined using a T-test.)