Figure 6.
Disease Enrichment and IPA analysis of upregulated genes show significant links to epilepsy and other brain injuries. A, Enrichment analysis of MeSH disease annotations from the upregulated gene set. A total of 247 disease terms were enriched and the bar plot is a selection of 20 enriched neuro-related diseases. Bar plot is as Figure 4. B, Venn diagram of the overlap of the significantly DE genes from the CGS (Soon et al., 2023) and our ex vivo gene set. C, GO:BP analysis was performed as described in Figure 4A on our ex vivo gene set, the comparison gene set, and the 41 genes that overlapped as shown in B. The categories that were significantly enriched (adj. p value ≤0.05) were compared and plotted. D, IPA analysis of gene set reveals epilepsy as the top disease state predicted from the DE genes with a p value of 1 × 10−28. Image shows the specific DE genes associated with epilepsy in the IPA knowledge base that were enriched in the IPA disease state analysis. Length of the bar represents the log2FC values for each gene. See Extended Data Figures 6-1, 6-2, and 6-3 for more details.