Fig. 4. H7.HK1 and two other lateral patch-binding antibodies define a conserved supersite of vulnerability on the HA head.
a Representation of H7.HK1, Fab6649, and 045-09-2B05 bound to their respective HAs indicates diverse angles of approach and heavy/light chain orientations towards the lateral patch supersite. b Comparison of epitopes of H7.HK1, Fab6649, and 045-09-2B05 centering on the lateral patch defines the lateral patch supersite (blue). c A subset of epitope surface, centered on the lateral patch, overlaps between H7.HK1, Fab6649, and 045-09-2B05 (magenta). Of shared epitope surface, a subset of epitope residues is conserved (positions 121, 126, 168, and 172 by H3 numbering). d The four lateral patch antibodies contact conserved residues using diverse chemistry. Table displays the type of interaction between each residue and antibody.