Semiquantitative analysis and representative images of picrosirius red staining for interstitial collagen deposition (scale bar = 50 µm, magnification ×200), smooth muscle ⍺-actin (⍺-SMA, scale bar = 20 µm, magnification ×400), kidney macrophage infiltration (F4/80, scale bar = 20 µm, magnification ×400), and CD31+ peritubular capillary density (scale bar = 20 µm, magnification ×400) from kidneys of sham rats, rats with kidney IR injury (IR) alone, or rats with kidney IR injury administered either miR-486-5p (IR+miR-486-5p) or scramble miRNA (IR+scb) at the start of reperfusion. ****P<0.0001 vs sham, IR+miR-486-5p, *P<0.05 vs IR; ++++P<0.0001 vs IR+scb. N = 6–8 rats per group.