Cluster assignment of scRNA-seq was performed as in Fig. 3. (A) Single-cell trajectories of
vasculitogenic CD4+ T cells were generated with Monocle3 pseudotime
analysis. CD4+ T cells are colored by clusters and the black line
traces the trajectory (left panel). The pseudotime trajectory marks three branch
nodes; the split of cycling and differentiating CD4+ T cells, which
then both separate into two subsets (middle panel). In the right panel, the root
of the trajectory is represented by TCF1hi CD4+ T cells,
which transition into three TCF1lo branches: cycling CD4+
T cells, cytotoxic (cyto) CD4+ T cells, and Tfh-like T cells.
(B to G) Tissue-derived CD4+ T cells were analyzed
by single cell T cell receptor sequencing (scTCR-seq). (B)
Recovered CDR3 sequences for TRA and TRB are
projected on the same UMAP as the scRNA-seq data. (C) Proportions
of successful CDR3 recovery for TRA and
TRB are shown for each T cell subset. (D and
E) Expanded TCRα (D) and TCRβ
(E) clonotypes (clonotype frequency > 1 cell) are shown.
(F) Shown are examples of expanded clonotypes that share
TCRα or TCRβ across distinct T cell subsets. (G and
H) Proportion of clonal overlap and TCR repertoire similarity score
(TRSS) amongst tissue-infiltrating CD4+ T cell subpopulations for
TCRα (G) and TCRβ (H).