TCF7 and IL-7R gene expression in individual
CD4+ T cells isolated from vasculitic lesions are correlated.
(B) Representative flow cytometry plot is shown for CD3 and
IL-7R in PBMCs from older adults. (C) TCF1 expression in IL-7R
positive (IL-7R+) and IL-7R negative (IL-7R−) T
cells are compared. Representative histogram and data from 8 individuals are
presented. (D) Shown is a scheme of the serial transplantation
experiments. Pairs of NSG mice were engrafted with human arteries, reconstituted
with IL-7R+ or IL-7R− PBMCs from patients with GCA.
IL-7R− PBMCs were prepared by depleting IL-7R+
cells. Vasculitis was induced in engrafted human arteries and inflamed arteries
were transplanted into “empty” NSG mice. Finally, arteries were
explanted on day 42. (E) Numbers (No.) of human T cells in the
blood (100μl) and the spleen of NSG mice reconstituted with
IL-7R+ or IL-7R− PBMCs were quantified
(n=3). Data of T cell numbers in 100μl blood and
spleen 7 days after vasculitis induction were used as positive control (49). (F to M) Tissue sections
were prepared from the explanted arteries and the intensity of vasculitis was
assessed in arteries. (F) Representative images (H&E) show
density of intrawall infiltrates. (G) Shown is a comparison of
vascular injury scores in arteries (n=6 each). (H and
I) Intralesional microvessels were identified by dual color IF
analysis of vWF (green) and αSMA (red). Representative microphotographs
(H) and enumeration of lesional microvessels (I)
in arteries are shown (n=6 each); HPF, high power field.
VEGFA transcripts in arteries were quantified using real-time
polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR); n=6 each. (K and
L) Proliferating T cells in the tissue were identified by dual-color
IF for CD3 (green) and Ki67 (red). Representative images (K) and
total T cell numbers and proportions (L) of Ki67+ T
cells in arteries are shown (n=6 each). (M)
IFNG and GZMB mRNA was quantified in
arteries by RT-PCR; n=6 each. Data are presented as mean
± SD with individual values given. Data were analyzed by paired
t-test (C, G, I, L), one-way ANOVA with Tukey
post hoc test (E), or Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test
(two-sided) (J, M). *P < 0.05,
**P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.
Scale bars, 50 μm. IL-7R pos: IL-7R+, IL-7R neg: