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. 2009 Aug 1;11(8):706–710. doi: 10.1016/j.jfms.2008.11.013

Table 1.

The function and location of the selected acupuncture points

Acupuncture points Location Function
Ba Feng Dorsum of foot, proximal to the web margin, midway between 2nd and 3rd, 3rd and 4th, 4th and 5th toes in the depression distal to the metatarsophalangeal joint Clears heat; alleviates pain and numbness of dorsum of foot and weakness of foot
BL-17 1.5 Cun lateral to the caudal border spinous process of T7 Regenerates blood and dissipate blood stasis
BL-35 The crease located just lateral to the tail base Clears damp-heat, pain of coccyx, lumbar, and hind limbs
BL-40 Midpoint of popliteal crease Benefits lumbar, knees, lower limbs, sciatic pain; activates channels and alleviates pain
BL-60 Depression between lateral malleolus and common calcanean tendon, level with the tip of lateral malleolus Relaxes muscle spasm and stiff neck; strengthens lumbar spine
GB-21 Midway between C7 and acromion Alleviates pain; benefits stiffness in neck, shoulder, and back regions; eliminates phlegm; good for hemiplasia and wind-stroke
GB-29 1/3 distance between cranial/dorsal iliac spine and prominence of greater trochanter Benefits hip and shoulder disorders; relaxes tendon or muscle spasms; relieves pain, numbness, weakness and sciatica pain
GB-30 Midpoint between greater trochanter and tuber ischii Relaxes spasms of tendons/muscles; benefits hip joints/limbs; alleviates pain, numbness, weakness, benefits atrophy/inability to flex or extend limbs
GB-34 In the depression of cranial and distal to the head of fibula Benefits sinews/joints and alleviates pain; contraction of sinews, stiffness and tightness of muscles and joints; swelling, numbness and weakness
GV-2 In the sacro-coccygeal hiatue Benefits lumbar region and hind limbs; alleviates pain and stiffness of lower back; good for muscular atrophy of lower extremities
GV-4 Between dorsal spinous process of L2 and L3 Benefits lumbar spine; stiffness and spinal rigidity
GV-14 Between dorsal spinous process of C7 and T1 Clears heat and good for pain
GV-20 Midline of skull, on a line between anterior edge of base of ears, in notch between sagittal crest and frontal crest Pacify wind, subdue yang, and good for hemiplasia
Hua Tuo Jia Ji 0.3–0.5 Cun lateral to the depression below spinous process of T12–L7 Alleviates pain, stiffness of local area, and regulates spine
Leg motor sensory area From 0.5 Cun lateral to GV22 to the posteriorly 1.5 Cun, over the precruciate gyrus, postcruciate gyrus and the sensory cortex Benefits for paralysis, numbness, and hind limb pain
ST-36 3 Cun distal to tibial tuberosity and lateral to cranial border of tibia, in the middle of cranial tibialis muscle Resolve dampness, tonifies Qi, nourishes blood; benefits aching of stifles and hind limbs
ST-40 8 Cun proximal to the lateral malleolus, cranial to fibula, 2 Cun lateral from tibia, midline between tibialis cranials and long digital extensor muscle Transform phlegm; improves lower extremity muscle atrophy, motor impairment, pain and paralysis
Yao Yan One handbreadth on either side of lumbar, below the level of iliac crest Benefits lumbar region and acute or chronic lumbar pain