Fig. 3.
Scattered and Bland–Altman plots showing the agreement between the two methods for evaluating the VGAM volume. a, b Scattered plots showing good correlation between the two methods both for reader 1 (a) and reader 2 (b). c, d Bland–Altman plots reveal that the bias between manual and semiautomated methods was very small both for reader 1 (c) and reader 2 (d), i.e., 0.1 and 0.4, respectively. Around 5% of the points were lying outside the limits, specifically 2/43 (4%) for reader 1 and 3/43 (6%) confirming a good agreement between the approaches. Bias is the mean difference between the volumes of the Slicer 3D and ellipsoid (black line). Red dashed lines represent the upper and lower limits of agreement ()