Table 7.
Summary of appearance changes made in response to usability testing.
Page | Appearance feedback | Changes made |
1. Title page | Make title acronym clearer and change font color | Title acronym was made more obvious and changed font color |
4. PDa diagnosis or treatment | Some of the text was too small | Increased text font |
7. VUSb | Graphic was confusing | Clarified graphic |
9. When to consider GTc | Want more diverse pictures | Included more diverse pictures |
10. Benefits and risks | Colors were too vibrant and hurt eyes | Toned down color scheme |
15. GBAd page 2 | Did not like picture | Changed the picture |
20. Conclusion | Did not like red font | Changed font color |
aPD: Parkinson disease.
bVUS: variant of uncertain significance.
cGT: genetic testing.
dGBA: glucocerebrosidase.