a, We model the transformation from vision to behaviour in male flies with a DNN that comprises a bottleneck of model units to match the bottleneck of optic glomeruli in the visual system of the fly. We seek a one-to-one mapping in which one model unit corresponds to one optic glomerulus (innervated by a single LC neuron type) both in activity and in contribution to behaviour (for example, movement and song produced by wing vibration). b, We designed knockout training to fit this 1-to-1 network. After silencing an LC neuron type and recording the resulting behaviour, during training we ‘knocked out’ the model LC unit (that is, we set its activity value to 0 (red crosses)) corresponding to the silenced LC type. c, We (bilaterally) genetically inactivated males for each of 23 LC neuron types and then recorded the interactions of each male with a female during natural courtship. d, Courtship behaviour noticeably changed between control and LC-silenced male flies. Example sessions are shown. e, Changes in the average male-to-female distance following silencing of each LC type in males (top) and changes in the proportion of song that was sine versus pulse (bottom). Each dot denotes one courtship session. Short lines denote means; horizontal dashed line denotes mean of control sessions. Asterisks denote significant deviation from control. P < 0.05, permutation test, false discovery rate-corrected for multiple comparisons; n > 12. f, The 1-to-1 network takes as input an image sequence of the 10 most recent time frames (approximately 300 ms) of the visual experience of the male. Each image is a reconstruction of what the male fly observed based on male and female joint positions of that time frame (for example, c). The 1-to-1 network reliably predicts forward velocity (right, top), lateral velocity (right, bottom) and other behavioural variables (Extended Data Fig. 3) of the male fly. R2 values are from held-out frames across control sessions. g,h, The 1-to-1 network also reliably predicts overall mean changes in behaviour across males with different silenced LC neuron types, such as forward velocity (g) and sine song (h). Correlation ρ values were significant (P < 0.002, permutation test; n = 23).
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