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. 2024 May 22;629(8014):1100–1108. doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07451-8

Extended Data Fig. 3. Predicting behavior frame-by-frame.

Extended Data Fig. 3

Here we compare the extent to which the 1-to-1 network better predicts frame-by-frame behavior versus other network architectures and baseline models as well as other training procedures. a. We considered different network architectures for the 1-to-1 network and compared their prediction performance to baseline models. We trained each model on control sessions only and tested on held-out test frames of control sessions. For baseline models, we considered a generalized linear model (GLM) that took as input the last 300 ms of movement history, including forward, lateral, and angular velocity (‘movement history GLM’); past song history, including Pfast, Pslow, and sine song (‘song history GLM’); as well as the male’s past visual history represented by female size, position, and rotation (‘visual history GLM’). The movement-history-GLM had good prediction of forward and lateral velocity (two leftmost plots), as expected, but failed at predicting angular velocity and song production. Its good prediction (R2 > 0.6 for forward velocity) stems from the fact that an animal’s forward velocity at time step t is likely similar to its forward velocity at time step t − 1 based on the physics of movement. Likewise, the song history GLM best predicted song production (three rightmost plots), as songs often occur in bouts, but failed at predicting moment-to-moment movement (three leftmost plots). Also expected was the poor prediction performance of the visual-history-GLM, whose inputs of the fictive female’s parameters likely must pass through a strong nonlinear transformation to accurately recover behavior (all orange bars are low). Next, we considered the DNN architecture of the 1-to-1 network (Fig. 1a). We trained the 1-to-1 network on control data only (i.e., no knockout training was performed) for this analysis. The 1-to-1 network’s prediction performance was better than any GLM model for angular velocity and showed good performance for song production (red bars). The 1-to-1 network did not outperform the movement-history-GLM on forward and lateral velocity; providing past movement history to the 1-to-1 network is an intriguing direction not investigated in this work. We confirmed that an untrained network with the same architecture as the 1-to-1 network (‘untrained DNN’, only its last readout layer was trained) had little prediction ability. Finally, we trained a more complicated version of the 1-to-1 network which had 3-d convolutions in both space (2-d) and time (1-d) in the vision network (‘time-convolutional DNN’ with 3 × 3 × 3 convolutional kernels). This greatly increased the number of parameters but ultimately did not improve prediction performance versus the 1-to-1 network (pink versus red bars). We suspect that with more data, the time-convolutional DNN will outperform the current architecture of the 1-to-1 network, as motion processing occurs before the LC bottleneck46. b. As a test of the 1-to-1 network’s ability to uncover a one-to-one mapping between model LC units and real LC neurons, we tested the extent to which the 1-to-1 network accurately predicts behavior on held-out courtship frames for each silenced LC type. An important comparison is to measure the 1-to-1 network’s prediction performance relative to networks with the same architecture and training data but with different training procedures. Here, we illustrate three different training procedures. Knockout training (left, red) sets to 0 the model LC unit that corresponds to the LC neuron type silenced for that training frame (no model LC units’ values are set to 0 for frames from control sessions). We refer to the resulting trained network as the knockout (KO) network or, interchangeably, as the 1-to-1 network. Dropout training36 (middle, blue) sets to 0 a randomly-chosen model LC unit for each training frame, independent of the frame’s silenced LC type (no model LC units’ values are set to 0 for frames from control sessions). In this case, the number of ‘dropped out’ units equals that of the ‘knocked out’ units. We refer to the resulting trained network as the dropout (DO) network. Finally, we train a network without knocking out any of the model LC units and refer to it as the noKO network (right, black). The DO and noKO networks are appropriate controls (i.e., null hypotheses) for the KO network. The DO and noKO networks have no knowledge that any LC silencing has occurred; in other words, the DO and noKO networks assume all male flies, regardless of an LC type being silenced or not, have the same behavioral output to the same input stimulus. Thus, the DO and noKO networks cannot reliable detect changes in behavior for different silenced LC types unless the statistics of the visual input itself differs across silenced LC types. The latter may occur if, for example, silenced flies do not chase the female, the female will be visually smaller for most frames, leading DO and noKO networks to correctly predict a decrease in song production (as song is produced in close proximity to the female). c. We tested the KO, DO, and noKO network’s performance of predicting the male fly’s movement (left) and song production (right) for the next frame given the 10 past frames of visual input (a period of 300 ms) across many LC-silenced and control flies (459 sessions in total). All test frames were held out from any training or validation sets and sampled randomly in 3 s time periods across sessions (27,000 test frames per each LC type and control, see Methods). We computed the coefficient of determination R2 for behavioral outputs of movement (forward, lateral, and angular velocity) and 1 - binary cross-entropy (where a value close to 1 indicates good prediction) for behavioral outputs of song production (probabilities of Pfast, Pslow, and sine song). We found that overall, the KO network better predicts forward velocity than the DO and noKO networks (top left, red dots above black and blue dots) as well as the probability of sine song (top right). Changes in prediction performance between KO and DO/noKO networks across LC types were relatively small, suggesting changes in behavior were subtle, consistent with overall mean changes in behavior (Extended Data Fig. 1). In addition, R2 may change little for large second-order changes in behavior, such as variance (Extended Data Fig. 2g, leftmost dots). We confirmed in Fig. 1g–h and Extended Data Fig. 4 that the KO network accurately predicted mean changes in behavior better than DO and noKO networks. We note that R2 values for movement (left column, R2 ≈ 0.5 for forward velocity, R2 ≈ 0.15 for lateral and angular velocity) were not close to 1 because we predict rapid changes to movement variables frame-to-frame (with a frame rate of 30 Hz). Because the 1-to-1 network is deterministic (i.e., returning the same output for the same visual input), it fails to account for the fact that a male fly’s moment-to-moment decision is stochastic—in other words, the male responds differently to repeats of the same stimulus sequence. To take this stochasticity into account, one would need to present identical repeats of the same visual stimulus sequence and record the resulting behavior. This is not possible for our natural courtship experiments, where a male fly’s visual experience is determined by his behavior. However, this may be possible in future experiments using virtual reality, where the experimenter has greater control over a male fly’s visual input. d. Results in were for a KO network with one random initialization. To see if this effect holds for different initializations, we trained 10 runs of the KO network, each with a different random initialization and random ordering of training samples. We found that for 8 of the 10 runs, KO networks outperformed DO networks (left); 5 of the 10 runs, KO networks outperformed noKO networks (right) in predicting forward velocity. For each run (i.e., ‘network run 1’), the same randomly initialized network and randomized order of training samples was used as a starting point for the KO, DO, and noKO network. Each connected pair of dots denotes one LC type with the color of the line connecting two dots denoting the LC type identity (same colors as in c). An asterisk denotes a significant difference in means (p < 0.05, paired, one-sided permutation test, n = 23). Network run 1 was chosen as the 1-to-1 network in as well as Figs. 14 due to its high prediction for both behavior and neural responses.

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