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. 2024 May 31;22:10.18332/tid/187878. doi: 10.18332/tid/187878

Table 3.

Factors associated with electronic cigarette use among Ecuadorian adult population, 2023 (N=3047)

Variables EC use
No n Yes n OR (95% CI) p AOR (95% CI) p
Female ® 1284 379 1 1
Prefer not to mention 7 4 1.94 (0.56–6.65) 0.294 1.08 (0.28–4.08) 0.914
Male 906 467 1.75 (1.49–2.05) <0.001 1.18 (0.99–1.41) 0.065
Age (years)
18–24 ® 673 367 1 1
25–34 794 372 0.86 (0.72–1.03) 0.092 0.69 (0.57–0.85) <0.001
35–44 346 78 0.41 (0.31–0.55) <0.001 0.29 (0.21–0.39) <0.001
45–54 215 15 0.13 (0.07–0.22) <0.001 0.09 (0.05–0.16) <0.001
55–65 73 5 0.13 (0.05–0.31) <0.001 0.07 (0.03–0.21) <0.001
>65 16 2 0.23 (0.05–1.00) 0.050 0.14 (0.02–0.92) 0.040
Region of residence
Sierra ® 1828 743 1 1
Coast 318 91 0.70 (0.55–0.90) 0.005 0.73 (0.55–0.96) 0.026
Amazon 51 16 0.77 (0.44–1.36) 0.371 0.84 (0.46–1.53) 0.563
Mestizo ® 2048 789 1 1
Indigenous 30 10 0.87 (0.42–1.78) 0.693 1.09 (0.50–2.37) 0.823
White 54 31 1.49 (0.95–2.34) 0.081 1.54 (0.93–2.57) 0.094
Afro-descendant 24 7 0.76 (0.32–1.76) 0.645 1.09 (0.43–2.80) 0.857
Montubio 33 9 0.71 (0.34–1.49) 0.361 0.67 (0.29–1.59) 0.366
Other 8 4 1.30 (0.39–4.32) 0.425 0.86 (0.24–3.04) 0.814
Marital status
Single ® 1423 680 1 1
Married 541 97 0.38 (0.29–0.47) <0.001 0.30 (0.23–0.39) <0.001
Common-law marriage 83 30 0.76 (0.49–1.16) 0.200 0.69 (0.43–1.09) 0.112
Divorced 141 38 0.56 (0.39–0.82) 0.002 0.43 (0.29–0.65) <0.001
Widowed 9 5 1.16 (0.39–3.48) 0.787 1.45 (0.42–5.04) 0.561
Education level
High school completed ® 287 73 1 1
Incomplete school 4 1 0.98 (0.11–8.93) 0.987 1.35 (0.10–17.91) 0.819
School completed 25 2 0.31 (0.07–1.36) 0.121 0.31 (0.06–1.47) 0.139
Incomplete high school 54 18 1.31 (0.72–2.37) 0.370 1.54 (0.82–2.88) 0.179
Incomplete University 689 321 1.83 (1.37–2.45) <0.001 1.95 (1.43–2.66) <0.001
University degree 753 295 1.54 (1.15–2.06) 0.003 1.51 (1.10–2.05) 0.010
Incomplete Master’s/PhD 127 51 1.58 (1.04–2.39) 0.030 1.55 (0.99–2.41) 0.052
Master’s/PhD degree 258 89 1.36 (0.95–1.93) 0.090 1.37 (0.93–2.00) 0.113
Professional activities related to health
No ® 1175 395 1 1
Yes 1022 455 1.32 (1.13–1.55) <0.001 1.51 (1.26–1.80) <0.001
None ® 1818 749 1 1
Yes 379 101 0.65 (0.51–0.82) <0.001 0.60 (0.47–0.78) <0.001
Tobacco use
No ® 1685 272 1
Past use 247 255 0.23 (0.18–0.28) <0.001
Current use 265 323 0.31 (0.25–0.38) <0.001

AOR: adjusted odds ratio. EC: electronic cigarette. ® Reference categories.