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. 2024 May 18;10(10):e31490. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e31490

Table 1.

Study cohort of 29 laboratory workers immunized with first- or third-generation smallpox vaccines. Geometric mean titers (GMT) of reciprocal serum dilution of VACV- and MPXV nAb were calculated from two independent experiments with two replicates per dilution. Values displayed showed a viral neutralization >50 % compared to control. GMT values below 10 indicate that serum neutralization antibodies are below the limit of detection (1:10). Dash (−): no sample collected. Additional information on vaccination time, serum collections, and time between last vaccination and first serum collection are displayed in Supplementary Table S1.

Participant 1st or 3rd generation vaccine? GMT VACV nAb Titer 2014
GMT VACV nAb titer 2015
GMT VACV nAb titer 2016
GMT VACV nAb titer 2017
GMT VACV nAb titer 2018
GMT VACV nAb titer 2019
GMT VACV nAb titer 2020
GMT VACV nAb titer 2021
GMT VACV nAb titer 2022
GMT MPXV nAb titer 2014 GMT MPXV nAb titer 2015 GMT MPXV nAb titer 2016 GMT MPXV nAb titer 2017 GMT MPXV nAb titer 2018 GMT MPXV nAb titer 2019 GMT MPXV nAb titer 2020 GMT MPXV nAb titer 2021 GMT MPXV nAb titer 2022
Participant 1 First 40 56.57 56.57 40 28.28
14.14 28.28 40 10 14.14
Participant 2 Third 14.14 20 20 10 14.14 14.14 14.14 28.28
10 10 10 14.14 10 10 14.14 7.07
Participant 3 Third 28.28
Participant 4 Third 28.28 14.14 20 56.56 28.28 10 10
20 5 7.07 10 14.14 10 7.07
Participant 5 First 40 56.56 80 56.56 28.28 20 56.56
20 80 20 20 40 28.28 28.28
Participant 6 First 10 5
20 10
Participant 7 Third 5 10 14.14 14.14
10 10 28.28 5
Participant 8 Third 14.14
Participant 9 First 28.28
Participant 10 Third 14.14 14.14 28.28
5 10 14.14
Participant 11 Third 80 10 14.14 28.28
14.14 28.28 14.14 14.14
Participant 12 Third 40 7.07 7.07 10 7.07 7.07
10 10 7.07 10 7.07 14.14
Participant 13 Third 7.07 7.07 7.07 7.07 5 5 5
10 10 7.07 10 7.07 20 14.14
Participant 14 Third 14.14
Participant 15 First 20 80 56.57 20 - 14.14 14.14 80
28.28 56.57 56.57 28.28 - 28.28 28.28 80
Participant 16 Third 7.07 7.07
14.14 14.14
Participant 17 Third 10 7.07 20 14.14 7.07
7.07 5 7.07 7.07 10
Participant 18 First 14.14 10 7.07 5 10 20
28.28 20 14.14 40 10 20
Participant 19 Third 20 20 20
10 14.14 7.07
Participant 20 Third 226.27 40 56.57 56.57 20 40 28.28
28.28 40 28.28 20 56.57 28.28 28.28
Participant 21 First 56.57 28.28 56.57 40 160 160
- 40 28.28 40 28.28 56.57 80
Participant 22 First 113.14 40 320 28.28 20
56.57 80 56.57 40 40
Participant 23 First 56.57 160 56.57 56.57 28.28 40
40 40 28.28 40 20 28.28
Participant 24 Third 5 5
10 40
Participant 25 Third 7.07 7.07
5 10
Participant 26 Third 5 5 14.14 7.07 7.07 14.14 10
7.07 14.14 10 20 14.14 20 14.14
Participant 27 Third 10 5 10 10 10 20 20
10 14.14 7.07 10 10 14.14 10
Participant 28 First 40 20 56.57 40 28.28 40 40
20 20 28.28 40 28.28 28.28 56.57
Participant 29 Third 20 7.07 14.14
14.14 40 28.28