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[Preprint]. 2024 May 26:2024.05.23.595638. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2024.05.23.595638

Figure 2: OCL is superior to other tasks for differentiating individuals by diagnosis.

Figure 2:

Violin plots depicting performance differences on A) DET, B) IDN, C) OBT, and D) OCL tasks as a function of cognitive status. Individuals with MCI (yellow) or AD (red) are impaired on all four tasks compared to CN (blue) and individuals with AD are reliably worse on OCL compared to MCI. Effect sizes for IDN (light green), DET (light blue), OBT (orange) OCL (red) between E) CN and MCI, F) MCI and AD, and G) CN and AD. H) ROC curves show that each task can reliably differentiate CN and MCI with OCL performing reliably better than the other measures. I) Only OCL performance can differentiate MCI and AD. J) Performance on each task reliably differentiates CN from AD with OCL performance reaching the highest AUC.