Age (A) and disease types (B) distribution in the samples: From the included data distribution, it can be found that there is a high incidence area of pediatric patients before the age of 10 years, and another high incidence area of rhinitis symptoms between 30 and 40 years old (A). According to statistics, among the 7 types of diseases studied in this article, the highest is AR accounted for 65.77% (1,818 cases), the second highest is RS accounted for 8.90% (246 cases), the rest are: 137, 134, 130, 106, 100, and 93 cases, accounting for less than 5%. Meanwhile, the statistics of the patients’ cumulative illnesses revealed that the patients had at most 3 diseases at the same time, which accounted for 1.16% (26 cases); patients with 2 diseases accounted for 21.56% (481 cases) and with 1 disease accounted for 77.27% (1,724 cases) (B). AR, allergic rhinitis.