Fig. 6. Contig continuity of different assemblies using short-reads, short-reads with virtual barcodes, or short- and long-reads on ATCC-MSA-1003.
a Nx, with x ranging from 0 to 100 of different assemblies using short-reads (metaSPAdes), short-reads with virtual barcodes (Athena, Pangaea-Operams, Pangaea-Hybridspades, and Pangaea-MetaPlatanus), and using short- and long-reads (OPERA-MS, hybridSPAdes, and MetaPlatanus) on ATCC-MSA-1003. b NA50 of the 15 strains with abundance >0.1% assembled from short-reads (metaSPAdes), short-reads with virtual barcodes (Athena, Pangaea-Operams, Pangaea-Hybridspades, and Pangaea-MetaPlatanus), and from short- and long-reads (OPERA-MS, hybridSPAdes, and MetaPlatanus) on ATCC-MSA-1003. c NGA50 of the 15 strains with abundance >0.1% assembled from short-reads (metaSPAdes), short-reads with virtual barcodes (Athena, Pangaea-Operams, Pangaea-Hybridspades, and Pangaea-MetaPlatanus), and from short- and long-reads (OPERA-MS, hybridSPAdes, and MetaPlatanus) on ATCC-MSA-1003. The samples are biological replicates for (b–c), n = 15, each stands for a strain with abundance >0.1%. Box plots show the median (center line), 25th percentile (lower bound of box), 75th percentile (upper bound of box), and the minimum and maximum values within 1.5 × IQR (whiskers) as well as outliers (individual points). Source data are provided as a Source Data file.