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. 2024 Apr 29;52(5):467–477. doi: 10.1515/jpm-2023-0442

Table 2:

Decisional conflict at QTT (time of test) and QFF (final follow-up) NEST vs. control.

NEST (n=229) Control (n=220) p-Value NEST (n=229) Control (n=220) p-Value
n Statistics n Statistics n Statistics n Statistics
Total score 228 20.8 [5.0, 25.0] 219 18.3 [3.3, 26.7] 0.89b 224 13.3 [1.7, 25.0]a 210 16.7 [1.7, 25.0] 0.24b
DCS informed 228 25.0 [8.3, 29.2] 219 25.0 [8.3, 33.3] 0.59b 224 25.0 [0.00, 25.0] 210 25.0 [0.00, 25.0] 0.44b
DCS values clarity 228 25.0 [0.00, 25.0] 219 25.0 [0.00, 25.0] 0.97b 224 25.0 [0.00, 25.0] 210 25.0 [0.00, 25.0] 0.25b
DCS support 228 16.7 [0.00, 25.0] 219 16.7 [0.00, 25.0] 0.85b 224 8.3 [0.00, 25.0] 210 8.3 [0.00, 25.0] 0.19b
DCS effective decision 228 18.8 [0.00, 25.0] 219 12.5 [0.00, 25.0] 0.42b 224 0.00 [0.00, 25.0] 210 12.5 [0.00, 25.0] 0.093b
I know which options are available to me. 228 211 (92.5) 219 194 (88.6) 0.15c 224 208 (92.9) 210 184 (87.6) 0.065c
I know the benefits of each option. 228 195 (85.5) 217 181 (83.4) 0.54c 224 197 (87.4) 210 182 (86.7) 0.69c
I know the risks and side effects of each option. 228 165 (72.4) 219 166 (75.8) 0.41c 223 188 (84.3) 209 160 (76.6) 0.042 c
I am clear about which benefits matter most to me. 228 199 (87.3) 218 186 (84.9) 0.47c 224 204 (91.1) 210 179 (85.2) 0.059c
I am clear about which risks and side effects matter most to me. 228 190 (83.3) 218 190 (83.3) 0.64c 224 203 (90.6) 209 179 (85.2) 0.060c
I am clear about which is more important to me: the benefits or the risks and side effects. 227 195 (85.9) 219 183 (83.6) 0.49c 223 205 (91.9) 210 179 (85.2) 0.028 c
I have enough support from others to make a choice. 227 213 (93.8) 219 198 (90.4) 0.18c 224 209 (93.3) 209 190 (90.9) 0.35c
I am choosing without pressure from others. 228 221 (96.9) 219 209 (95.4) 0.41c 224 213 (95.1) 208 191 (91.8) 0.17c
I have enough advice to make a choice. 228 201 (88.2) 219 186 (84.9) 0.32c 222 199 (89.6) 210 183 (87.1) 0.42c
I am clear about the best choice for me. 228 204 (89.5) 219 188 (85.8) 0.24c 224 207 (92.4) 210 188 (89.5) 0.29c
I feel sure about what to choose. 228 198 (87.6) 218 182 (83.5) 0.22c 224 206 (92.0) 209 187 (89.5) 0.37c
I feel i have made an informed choice. 228 203 (89.0) 219 195 (89.0) 0.99c 224 209 (93.3) 210 185 (88.1) 0.061c
My decision shows what is important to me. 228 205 (89.9) 219 191 (87.2) 0.37c 223 205 (91.9) 209 181 (86.6) 0.073c
I expect to stick with my decision. 227 206 (90.7) 219 204 (93.2) 0.35c 224 216 (96.4) 210 194 (92.4) 0.065c
I am satisfied with me decision. 228 209 (91.7) 219 201 (91.8) 0.97c 224 212 (94.6) 210 191 (91.0) 0.14c

NEST, intervention; DCS, decisional conflict scale; QTT, time of test; QFF, final follow-up. Statistics presented as median [P25, P75], n (column %). p-Values: bWilcoxon rank sum test, cPearson’s chi-square test. Patient responses were pre-populated in likert-scale format, 1/2 of the responses were combined into a YES (strongly agree, agree), and other responses were combined into an NO (strongly disagree, disagree). Values in bold indicate significant p-values.