Number and viability of isolated synovial cells varied across synovial cell isolation protocols
Protocol 1 – the original protocol of Donlin et al.22 Protocol 2 – the optimized protocol derived from Donlin et al. Cells in protocol 1 samples were counted either manually (Protocol 1_M: manual cell counting using the Neubauer chamber) or using Luna-FL dual fluorescence cell counter (Protocol 1_A: automated cell counting. Cells in protocol 2 samples were counted using Luna-FL dual fluorescence cell counter. Data are represented as on a dot plot with median. The red dotted line represents the 70% cell viability treshold, below which the 10x Genomics recommends viable cell sorting before proceeding with single cell encapsulation on 10xGenomics chips. Statistics: comparison of Luna counter outputs of cell yield and viability between the protocols, two-sided Mann-Whitney test, ∗p = 0.037.