Figure 4.
Subcluster analysis demonstrated heterogeneity of synovial T cell, natural killer (NK) cell and innate lymphoid cell (ILC) populations in the integrated synovial single-cell map datasets from 25 fresh-dissociated synovial biopsies of patients with inflammatory arthritis
(A) UMAP with annotated T cell, NK cell and ILC clusters colored by cell cluster, (B) a bar plot of T, NK and ILC cell cluster abundances across synovial biopsies of patients with inflammatory arthritis colored by cell cluster (right).
(C) The proportions of the nine cell clusters, (D) the heatmap of the top T cell, NK cell and ILC marker genes. (C) The box plot visualises 5 different summary statistics: the median, two hinges, corresponding to the first and the third quartiles, two whiskers. The upper (lower) whisker extends from the hinge to the largest (smallest) value no further than 1.5∗ interquartile range from the hinge. Individual dots represent data from different samples.
See also Figures S8–S11.