Functional connectivity in the rSTN-cortical circuits in relation to medication effect on motor, speech, and cognition functions in PD. (A) Canonical functional brain networks obtained from Shirer et al. (47) including SN, DMN, LECN, RECN, Visuospatial, Language, Auditory, high_Visual, prim_Visual, and Sensorimotor networks. (B) CCA revealed a marginally significant multivariate relationship between dopaminergic modulation of rSTN-FBN FC and dopaminergic modulation of motor-cognitive function (r = 0.90, P = 0.05 FWER correction). (C) Multivariate relationship was characterized by high canonical coefficients of rSTN-Language and oSDMT. Significant canonical loading factors were highlighted in red and bold-italic font. (D) Key regions in the language network obtained from Lipkin et al. (48), including lIFC, lPreCen, lSTG, rSTG, and SMA. (E) Pearson’s correlation analysis revealed that Medication-induced changes in oSDMT scores (PDON – PDOFF) are associated with medication-induced changes in rSTN-lIFC FC (r = −0.39, P = 0.05) and rSTN-lSTG FC (r = −0.61, P = 0.0002). STN-FBN FC: subthalamic nuclei-functional brain network functional connectivity; SN: salience network; DMN: default mode network; LECN: left executive central network; RECN: right executive central network; Visuospatial: visuospatial network; Language: language network; Auditory: auditory network; high_Visual: high visual network; prim_Visual: prime visual network; sensorimotor: sensorimotor network; UPDRS: the Movement Disorders Society-Unified Parkinson’s disease Rating Scale motor assessment; oSDMT: oral the Symbol Digit Modalities Test; wSDMT: written the Symbol Digit Modalities Test; lIFC: left inferior frontal cortex; lPreCen: left precentral gyrus; lSTG: left superior temporal gyrus; rSTG: right superior temporal gyrus; SMA: supplementary motor area.