CREB, ATF1, ATF2, and c-Jun activate the Z promoter. (A) DG75 cells were transfected with 5 μg of ZpBS-CAT and 1 μg of transactivator plasmid (vector alone, CREB, ATF1, ATF2, or c-Jun), along with 1 μg of the appropriate kinase expression vectors to activate each transactivator (PKA for CREB and ATF1; p38, JNK, and cdc42 for ATF2; and JNK and cdc42 for c-Jun). (B) DG75 cells were transfected with 5 μg of −221 ZpZIIm-CAT and 1 μg of transactivator plasmid (vector alone, CREB, ATF1, ATF2, or c-Jun), along with 1 μg of the appropriate kinase expression vectors to activate each transactivator (PKA for CREB and ATF1; p38, JNK, and cdc42 for ATF2; and JNK and cdc42 for c-Jun). (C) DG75 cells were transfected with 5 μg of ZpBS-CAT, along with either 1 μg of transactivator plasmid (vector alone, ATF2 or c-Jun), 1 μg of kinase (p38 or JNK and cdc42), or a combination of these plasmids as indicated. CAT assays were performed as described. The average fold activation (and range), relative to vector alone, is presented.