(A) Protein abundance of mRNAs stratified by RBP binding. No RBP (N =
126), bound by TIS11B (N = 267), bound by TIA1/L1 (N = 232). Mann-Whitney test p
values as in Figure 2A. Boxplots depict
median, 25th and 75th percentiles (box), and 5% and 95% confidence intervals
(error bars).
(B) GFP protein expression in HeLa cells using the GFP-THAP1 reporter
mRNA with and without TIAL1 tethering. Representative histograms are shown.
Dotted lines: GFP-negative cells.
(C) Quantification of (B) as mean ± SD of five independent
experiments. t test for independent samples, ****p = 0.0003.
(D) Quantification of mRNA level from (B) as mean ± SD of three
independent experiments. t test for independent samples.
(E) Schematic of GFP-THAP1 mRNA reporter to investigate the influence
of subcellular mRNA localization on protein expression. MCP-SEC61B fusion
localizes the reporter mRNA (as in Figure
4F) to the rough ER membrane, MCP localizes it to the cytosol.
(F) Confocal live cell imaging of HeLa cells. Scale bars, 5
(G) As in (B), but reporter mRNA was used with and without SEC61B
(H) Quantification of (G) as mean ± SD of four independent
experiments. t test for independent samples, **p = 0.0026.
(I) Quantification of mRNA level from (G) as mean ± SD of three
independent experiments. t test for independent samples, NS, not
(J) As in Figure 4F. Addition of
prenylation signal (CAAX) localizes the TIAL1-bound reporter mRNA to the plasma
membrane. In the absence of CAAX, the TIAL1-bound reporter mRNA localizes to the
rough ER.
(K) Confocal live cell imaging of HeLa cells. Scale bars, 5
(L) As in (B) but the reporter mRNA was tethered with the indicated
(M) Quantification of (L) as mean ± SD of four independent
experiments. t test for independent samples, ****p < 0.0006, **p =
(N) Endogenous mRNAs bound by TIA1/L1 encode higher expressed proteins
than mRNAs not bound by any RBP. The largest TIA1/L1-associated increase was
observed for ER+ mRNAs. Mann-Whitney test p values as in Figure 2A.