Figure 6. Localization of cytosolic mRNAs to the rough ER membrane increases their protein expression.
(A) Schematic of a GFP-THAP1 reporter mRNA bound by TIS11B to investigate localization-dependent GFP protein expression. MCP-TIS11B fusion localizes the mRNA reporter to the cytosol. TIS11B-MCP-SEC61B fusion localizes the mRNA reporter to the rough ER membrane.
(B) Confocal live cell imaging of HeLa cells expressing constructs from (A). Scale bars, 5 μm.
(C) As in Figure 5B.
(D) Quantification of (C) as mean ± SD of four independent experiments. t test for independent samples, ****p < 0.0001, **p = 0.003.
(E) Quantification of mRNA level in the experiment from (C). Shown is the mean ± SD of three independent experiments. t test for independent samples, *p = 0.037; NS, not significant.