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Virion morphology in Malawi Lil-20/1- and Δ9GL-infected macrophage cell cultures and purified virus preparations

Virus Cell culture
Purified virusa
No. of infected cells No. with ACN/total no. (%) No. with CN/total no. (%) Titer (log10 TCID50/ml) No. with ACN/total no. (%) No. with CN/total no. (%)
Expt 1
 MAL 121/388 (31) [B = 0/111 (0)]b 267/388 (69) [B = 111/111 (100)]
 Δ9GL 395/416 (95) [B = 60/67 (90)] 21/416 (5) [B = 7/67 (10)]
Expt 2
 9GL-R 50 66/557 (12) 491/557 (88) 9.3 59/1,350 (4) 1,291/1,350 (96)
 Δ9GL 50 163/175 (93) 12/175 (7) 7.3 110/137 (80) 27/137 (20)
Expt 3 (Δ9GL)
 24 HPI 25 81/90 (90) 9/90 (10)
 48 HPI 25 39/43 (90) 4/43 (10)
 72 HPI 25 114/133 (86) 19/133 (14) 7.3 144/164 (88) 20/164 (12)

Viruses in 25 random fields were counted and scored. 


B, particles budding from the cell membrane.