PPP2R2D is expressed in human renal tubular epithelial cells. (A) Candidate sequence of wild-type PPP2R2D complementary to miR-5010-5p. Candidate target genes complementary to miR-5010-5p were searched using TargetScan (https://targetscan.org). (B) UMAP plot of 105 389 kidney cells from the KPMP data (https://atlas.kpmp.org/repository). (C) Feature plot of the expression of PPP2R2D in clusters. (D) Violin plot of the expression of PPP2R2D in clusters. (E) Dot plot of the expression pattern of regulatory subunits of PP2A in clusters. ATL, ascending thin limb; CNT, connecting tubule; DCT, distal convoluted tubule; DTL, descending thin limb; EC, endothelial cell; FIB, fibroblast; IC, intercalated cell; IMM, immune cell; NEU, neural cell; PC, principal cell; PEC, parietal epithelial cell; POD, podocyte; PT, proximal tubule epithelial cell; TAL, thick ascending limb; VSM/P, vascular smooth muscle cell/pericyte. The results here in a part are based on data generated by KPMP: DK133081, DK133091, DK133092, DK133093, DK133095, DK1330971, DK114866, DK114908, DK133090, DK133113, DK133766, DK133768, DK114907, DK114920, DK114923, DK114933, DK114886. https://www.kpmp.org. Data were downloaded on July 10, 2023. KPMP, Kidney Precision Medicine Project; PP2A, protein phosphatase 2A; PPP2R2D, protein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit B delta; UMAP, Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection.