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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2024 Jun 3.
Published in final edited form as: J Hum Resour. 2024 Apr;59(Suppl):S365–S401. doi: 10.3368/jhr.1222-12693r3

Table A26:

Trajectory of Parental Investment for the Fixed Subset (N=771)

Measurement Control Treatment Nondep. Diff. (T-C) Adjusted Beta s.e. p-val
Mean SD Mean Mean
6 Months
MPAS Total 86.296 6.345 86.221 87.543 −0.075 0.007 0.362 0.984
MSES Total 36.963 3.650 37.201 37.840 0.238 0.083 0.228 0.718
Investment Index 0 1 0.135 0.226 0.135 0.111 0.056 0.047
Investment Factor 0 1 0.039 0.417 0.039 0.034 0.049 0.485
12 Months
HOME Total 30.803 5.761 31.212 32.534 0.409 0.748 0.451 0.098
HOME Responsivity 9.644 1.504 9.853 9.810 0.210 0.244 0.128 0.056
HOME Acceptance 6.112 1.427 6.277 6.216 0.165 0.270 0.105 0.010
HOME Organization 3.505 1.358 3.489 3.772 −0.016 0.000 0.105 0.998
HOME Learning Mat. 4.793 2.555 4.913 5.589 0.120 0.269 0.192 0.161
HOME Involvement 3.894 1.477 3.929 4.238 0.036 0.056 0.114 0.625
HOME Variety 2.856 0.523 2.750 2.910 −0.106 −0.091 0.068 0.179
Investment Index 0 1 0.153 0.281 0.153 0.158 0.099 0.112
Investment Factor 0 1 0.039 0.419 0.039 0.091 0.082 0.271
24 Months
OMCI Total 37.396 4.699 36.921 38.213 −0.475 −0.360 0.428 0.401
Investment Index 0 1 0.095 0.189 0.095 0.078 0.086 0.360
Investment Factor 0 1 0.006 0.100 0.006 0.028 0.082 0.736
36 Months
HOME Total 37.601 4.261 37.647 38.496 0.046 0.406 0.371 0.274
HOME Responsivity 10.473 0.933 10.418 10.486 −0.055 −0.055 0.089 0.536
HOME Acceptance 5.016 0.956 5.043 5.143 0.028 0.186 0.099 0.060
HOME Organization 5.016 0.956 5.043 5.143 0.028 0.082 0.063 0.197
HOME Learning Mat. 6.553 2.315 6.473 6.952 −0.080 0.108 0.213 0.612
HOME Involvement 5.096 1.280 5.158 5.288 0.062 0.115 0.094 0.222
HOME Variety 3.638 0.851 3.625 3.719 −0.013 −0.029 0.049 0.548
OMCI Total 41.027 4.034 41.344 41.539 0.318 0.234 0.356 0.510
Investment Index 0 1 0.191 0.313 0.191 0.236 0.071 0.001
Investment Factor 0 1 0.0126 0.296 0.026 0.111 0.075 0.137

Note: MPAS : Maternal Postnatal Attachment Scale, MSES : Maternal Self-Efficacy Scale, OMCI: Observation for Mother Child Interaction. Adjusted coefficients are obtained from the regressions of items on the treatment indicator and its interactions with (demeaned) baseline covariates including baseline PHQ Total, baseline WHODAS Total, baseline PSS Total, mother’s baseline age, weight, height, waist circumference and blood pressure, family structure, grandmother being resident, total adults in the household, people per room, number of living children (split by gender), whether the index child is the first child, parental education levels, asset based SES index, life events checklist score, interviewer fixed effect, union council fixed effect and days from baseline. All estimations control for child gender and age (in days). Robust and clustered standard errors at the cluster level are reported in the SE column. Reported p-values and standard errors refer to the adjusted beta coefficient. Anderson indices and factor scores are coded so that higher score always indicates better outcome. Investment Index : all MPAS items +all MSES items at 6 months, all HOME items at 12 and 36 months, all OMCI items at 24 months.