Fig. 1. 10E8 knock-in mice express heavy chains from human 10E8 precursor B cells.
a, Representative flow cytometry plots (left) and quantification (right) of spleen cells from 8- to 10‐week‐old wild-type, 10E8-NGS-04H and 10E8-UCAH mice and gating strategy for the quantification of splenic B220+TCRβ− B cells and TCRβ+B220− T cells. Data are pooled from two independent experiments (n = 3–4 mice per independent group). b, Representative flow cytometry plots (left) and quantification (right) of spleen cells from 8- to 10‐week‐old wild-type, 10E8-NGS-04H and 10E8-UCAH mice and gating strategy for the quantification of CD21hiCD24lo follicular B cells, transitional CD21loCD24hi T0/T1 B cells, CD21hiCD24hiCD23+ T2 B cells and CD21hiCD24hiCD23− marginal zone B cells. Data are pooled from two independent experiments (n = 3–4 mice per independent group). Error bars indicate mean ± s.d. from mice in pooled groups. c, Representative flow cytometry (left) and quantification (right) of B220+CD4−CD8−F4/80−Gr-1− naive B cells from peripheral blood binding biotinylated 10E8-GT9 in wild-type or 10E8-NGS-04H mice. Data are pooled from two independent experiments. Error bars indicate mean ± s.d. from mice in each group (n = 3–6). d, Representative flow cytometry (left) and quantification (right) of naive B cells binding to biotinylated 10E8-GT9 in wild-type or 10E8-UCAH mice. Error bars indicate mean ± s.d. from mice in each group (n = 3). Data from a single experiment are presented and are representative of three independent experiments. e, Top, 10x Genomics scBCR-seq data from 10E8-GT10.2-specific naive B cells from 10E8-NGS-04H mice (n = 1,026 pairs amplified) showing human 10E8-NGS-04 IGH-V gene frequency (left) and mouse IGK-V genes (right). Cells from three mice were sequenced, and representative data from one mouse are presented. Bottom, 10x Genomics scBCR-seq data from 10E8-GT10.2-specific naive B cells from 10E8-UCAH mice (n = 1,418 pairs amplified) showing the frequency of the human 10E8-UCA IGH-V gene (left) and mouse IGK-V genes (right). Cells from three mice were sequenced, and representative data from one mouse are presented; HC, heavy chain; LC, light chain.