Fig. 5.
CAC detectability according to different image reconstruction algorithms. Coronary artery calcium detectability according to different image reconstruction algorithms in a 78-year-old hypertensive male. Two small calcifications were detectable on the filtered back projection image (dotted white arrowhead) along the course of the right coronary artery. However, the same calcifications (dotted white arrowhead) on the corresponding images, reconstructed using various deep-learning strengths, were less evident. Specifically, using the highest deep-learning reconstruction strength (DLIR-H), the margins of the bigger calcification were more blurred, while the smaller classification became barely evident. The Agatston score reduced from 691 to 688, 674, and 667, with FBP, DLIR-L, DLIR-M, and DLIR-H, respectively. CAC coronary artery calcium, DLIR deep-learning image reconstruction, FBP filtered back projections