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. 2024 Jun 3;15:4733. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-49200-5

Table 1.

Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations (MICs) of polymyxin B and rifampicin potentiation against wild-type and polymyxin-resistant strains

MIC (µM)a
Species Background Polymyxin B PMBNb Brevicidine
E. coli WT 0.00008 >40 0.313
PmrAG53E 10 >40 0.625
mcr1c 2.5–5 >40 0.313
WT+rifampicind <0.00002 0.078 0.078
PmrAG53E+rifampicind 0.001 20 0.078
mcr-1+rifampicind 0.001 2.5 0.078
S. aureus WT >40 >40 >40

aMinimal Inhibitory Concentrations (MICs): lowest concentration of antibiotic that completely inhibits bacterial growth.

bPMBN, polymyxin B nonapeptide.

cStrain carrying a plasmid encoding the mcr-1 gene.

dRifampicin present at 1.56 µM, which has no effect on growth of E. coli or polymyxin-resistant E. coli strains tested.