Adjusted difference (95% confidence interval) in estimated outcome for
each exposure quartile (Q2–Q4) compared to the lowest quartile (Q1) in
all chemicals measured and within each chemical class. Corresponding numeric
data are reported in SI Table
S7. Each row corresponds to a different mixture model with a
different outcome (A: Nonverbal IQ. B: Internalizing problems, C: Attention
problems. D: Aggressive behavior. E: Autistic traits). Adjusted for fetal sex,
maternal age, maternal prepregnancy bmi, maternal education level, maternal
ethnicity, household income, marital status, parity, maternal smoking, maternal
alcohol use, maternal IQ, and child age at assessment. Models for internalizing
problems, attention problems, aggressive behavior, and autistic traits are
additionally adjusted for maternal psychopathology. Models of the phthalate
metabolite mixture additionally adjusted for log 10-transformed
pregnancy-averaged concentrations of bisphenol A and the OP pesticide
metabolites. Models of bisphenol (bisphenol A) additionally adjusted for log
10-transformed pregnancy-averaged concentrations of phthalate and OP pesticide
metabolites. Models of the OP pesticide metabolite mixture additionally adjusted
for log 10-transformed pregnancy-averaged concentrations of phthalate
metabolites and bisphenol A.