Figure 1.
(a) Schematic representation of a TALEB. NLS: nuclear localization signal, N: TALE N-terminal domain, G1397N: Split DddAtox N-terminal domain, G1397C: Split DddAtox C-terminal domain, UGI: uracil glycosylase inhibitor. (b) Scheme of the strategy to generate artificial base editor target sites. In a first step a pool of ssODN encoding various base editor spacer sequences is inserted into TRAC locus. In a second step the TALEB is transfected. Two days post transfection the genomic DNA is collected, and the inserted sequence is analyzed by NGS. (c) Heatmap of C-to-T conversion measured on the target collections with spacer spanning from 5 to 17 bp. Right: targeted C on the top strand, Left: targeted C on the bottom strand (N = 1 T-cells donor).