We have to check for cardiovascular disease (CVD) complications and/or a past history of CVD, and perform an electrocardiogram (ECG). If any abnormality is found, we consult a specialist in cardiology or neurology. In NAFLD with a reduced platelet count or increased FIB-4 index, we should evaluate risk based on cardiovascular examination, such as loaded ECG and/or US of the carotid artery. FIB-4 index Fibrosis-4 index; PLT platelet, DM diabetes mellitus; HT hypertension, DL dyslipidemia; US ultrasonography; ECG electrocardiogram
*NAFLD: Currently MASLD
Tokushige K, et al.: Evidence‐based clinical practice guidelines for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease/nonalcoholic steatohepatitis 2020.
J Gastroenterol, 2021; 56: 951‐963