Relative risks (RRs) greater than 1 favor the treatment over L-CRT1. Squares indicate RRs; horizontal lines, 95% CIs for RRs. CHT indicates chemotherapy; CINeMA, confidence in network meta-analysis; induction + L-CRT, induction CHT plus consolidation long-course chemoradiotherapy; L-CRT + consolidation, L-CRT plus consolidation CHT; L-CRT2, L-CRT with duplex CHT drug (fluoropyrimidine plus oxaliplatin); L-RT, long-course radiotherapy; NNT, number needed to treat (for details, see eAppendix 4 in Supplement 1); S-RT + consolidation, short-course RT plus consolidation CHT; S-RTdelayed, S-RT plus delayed rectal resection; S-RTearly, S-RT plus early rectal resection.