Figure 5: RNAi-mediated knockdown of mecr elevates ceramide levels which are lowered upon treatments with Desipramine or Deferiprone.
(a-b) Graph showing relative levels of ceramide and glucosylceramide in 25-day-old brains upon neuronal knockdown (by elav-GAL4) of mecr. The dots represent values from technical replicates. n = 100 fly heads. (c) Ceramide levels in 25-day-old brains. Scale bar 100μm. (d) Quantification of relative ceramide intensity in 25-day-old brains upon neuronal knockdown (by elav-GAL4) of mecr. Each dot represents the data from one adult heads (n = 11 and 10 biologically independent samples from luci-RNAi and mecr-RNAi, respectively). (e-f) Graphs showing the relative changes in different ceramide species upon treatment with Desipramine (2) and Deferiprone (3). Each square indicates the average value from three technical replicates. For statistical analyses between two samples, two-tailed Student’s t test is carried out. Error bars represent SEM (*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01).