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. 2024 Apr-Jun;28(2):320–330. doi: 10.5935/1518-0557.20240007

Table 1.

Summary of lifestyle factors and mechanisms involved in male infertility.

Lifestyle factors Proposed mechanisms References
Obesity Epigenetic modification of sperm DNA
Reduced spermatogenic function
Impaired sperm DNA integrity
Suppressed HPG axis
Increased oxidative stress
Khodamoradi et al. (2020)
Mobile phone use/radiation Impaired sperm function, motility, and viability
Increased sperm DNA fragmentation
Reduced sperm anti-oxidative activities
Durairajanayagam (2018)
Diet/Nutrition Poor semen quality
Compromise sperm DNA integrity
Increased oxidative stress
Nilsson et al. (2023)
Stress Impaired sperm function, motility, and viability
Suppressed HPG axis
Increased oxidative stress
Bhongade et al. (2015)
Recreational Drugs Proposed mechanisms References
Tobacco Impaired spermatogenesis Nwonuma et al. (2021)
Marijuana Impaired spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis Gundersen et al. (2015)
Cannabis Reduced gonadotropic hormones (LH and FSH)
Impaired sperm function, motility, and viability
Nwonuma et al. (2021)
Opioids Increased sperm DNA fragmentation
Reduced spermatogenic function
Suppressed HPG axis
Impaired acrosomal reaction
Gundersen et al. (2015)
Anabolic steroids Impaired spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis McBride & Coward (2016)
Alcohol Reduced T, estradiol, and SHBG levels
Increased oxidative stress
Poor semen quality and spermatogenic arrest
Nwonuma et al. (2021)