a Apoptosis fold change in zAvatars derived from patients with no-progression (N = 33 patients, a total of 667 zAvatars analyzed) is significantly higher than zAvatars derived from patients with progression (N = 22 patients, a total of 518 zAvatars analyzed); total N = 55 patients, p < 0.0001. b The same trend was observed in stage II/III patients: N = 26 patients with no-progression (530 zAvatars analyzed) vs
N = 6 patients with progression (137 zAvatars analyzed); total N = 32 patients, p = 0.0363; and (c) in stage IV patients: N = 7 patients with no-progression (137 zAvatars analyzed) vs N = 16 patients with progression (381 zAvatars analyzed); total N = 23 patients, p = 0.0099. Results are expressed as AVG ± SEM. N = number of patients. Data were analyzed using unpaired two-sided Mann–Whitney test: (ns) > 0.05, *p ≦ 0.05, **p ≦ 0.01, ****p ≦ 0.0001. d ROC analysis of the average fold change of apoptosis for both no-progression (N = 33 patients) and progression patients (N = 22 patients) of all 55 patients. The area under the curve was 0.839, supporting the ability of the zAvatar-test to discriminate no-progression from progression patients. e A cut-off value of 1.34 was identified as the optimal threshold, with 91% specificity and 76% sensitivity (N = 55 patients). f Confusion matrix displays the number of patients with actual and predicted responses in zAvatars, i.e., sensitive (S) are zAvatars whose fold induction of apoptosis was >1.34, while zAvatars with fold induction of apoptosis ≤1.34 are classified as resistant (R). g Values for sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV). Source data are provided as a Source Data file.