Fig. 1.
EROS knockout modulates agonist-induced H2O2and Ca2+signaling
A. Real time imaging of H2O2 level in response to histamine was measured in CRISPR/Cas9 transduced EROS knockout (EROS SG, red curve) vs. lentiviral CAS9 transduced HUVEC (Control, blue curve). B. Detected H2O2 levels are significantly lower in EROS SG cells (n = 74) compared to Control (n = 55) 10 min after histamine stimulation. C. Ca2+ measurements under same experimental condition as shown in A. D. Histamine treated EROS SG cells (n = 78) show lower Ca2+ levels than Control (n = 93) 10 min after histamine stimulation. E. Average curves of HyPer7 signals in response to VEGF in Control (blue curve) and EROS SG cells (red curve). F. Values of EROS SG (n = 53) and Control (n = 44) 10 min after VEGF treatment. G. Average curves of Ca2+ imaging experiments in Control (blue curve) and EROS SG (red curve) cells stimulated for 10 min with VEGF. H. Statistical analysis of Control (n = 38) and EROS SG (n = 52) indicates decreased Ca2+ levels in EROS SG cells 30 min after VEGF treatment. Violin plots are marked with median and first and third quartiles for the graphed data, ****P < 0.0001 using unpaired t-test. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)